Chapter 8: The Break-Up

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It feels like time is moving really fast without realize, and Brittany has finished her internship today. She decides to sort things out with Tim first before facing Alvin and her hometown. That's why she asked Tim to meet her here before flying back to her home tomorrow.

"Hey, thank you for meeting me here. I'm so sorry you have to come all the way here to meet me." Brittany said as she looks up and looking at Tim, who were just arriving at the restaurant and take a seat.

"That's okay. My family owns a villa around here so it's not really that far you know, and it's actually nice to see you once in a while since you've been busy with internship recently." Tim smiled as he tried to find a comfortable position to sit. As soon as he's comfortable, he places down his hands on the table to read the menu. "Have you order something yet? What do you want to eat? My treat."

"Tim, you don't have to do that. I'm the one who asked you to meet me here, I should be the one who pays." Brittany argued, feeling a little uncomfortable. All this time whenever they went to someplace, Tim was always the one who pays for everything because his family is mega rich. At first, she was happy with how he always treats her like that. But as the time goes, she also wants to be the one who pays for them once in a while. She had money too you know, she's not penniless. She just didn't want everyone to think she's after his money.

"I can't certainly let my beautiful girlfriend pay for me. As a gentleman and your boyfriend, let me pay for everything you want." Tim argued back, smiling at her.

"Although I'm flattered, but you don't have to go that far. And for this once, please let me pay for you." Brittany begged. Tim just staring at her before finally giving up.

"Well, if you insisted then, thank you."

Both of them then called the waitress and order something. After the waitress left, Tim starts another conversation, "So, how's your internship? Is it everything you hope for?"

"Yes, thankfully. Everyone was so nice and I learned so much from them. I even got offered a full-time job but I declined. I want to focus on my education first, and besides it won't be long before graduation." Brittany giggled as she continues to talked about her internship experience. Although she was happy they offered her a job, but she can't just leave everything behind, at least not now. She still wanted to graduate with her sisters and experience senior year until the very end.

"Also, I haven't decided whether I wanted to focus more on fashion design or not. I personally still wanted to try going solo as a singer, you know."

"Well, I think whatever you choose, you'll do great at it and I'll support you all the way until you're on top."

"Thank you, you're a good person Tim."

"Anytime Brittany."

Both of them smiled at each other before the conversation ended and silence fill the air. Thankfully the waitress came right on time to serve their food. Both eats their food in silence because Tim said it's not good to eat while talking, so she needs to wait until they finished eating before the big talk. That's actually a relieve because she got extra time to prepare her heart.

"Anyway, there's something I want to talk about." Brittany opens the conversation after placing her fork on top of the plate.

"Well, what is it?" Tim who were just finished drinking, asked her.

Brittany takes a deep breath before continued, "Errr... Tim. First of all, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know you're a good guy and I'm very happy with my time with you, but... I think I want to break up."

There're a few moments of silence between them. Brittany was staring at him, patiently waiting for his answer. She was afraid he would get angry or make a scene in public, but Tim is not going to do that, right?

Tim thinks for a moments before he placed down his napkins and replied, "Okay."

"Really?" Brittany was shocked to heard how calm he was about her decision to break up with him. And he answered it with a single word? Really?

"Yeah, I'm actually know you're going to say that."

"Y—you do?"

"Yeah. Ever since you're going away, we've been really distant. I figure maybe it's your work schedule that's been keeping you busy, but I think there's another reason..." Tim explained.

"I'm really sorry." Brittany was so focused on how sorry she was that she didn't realize Tim was still talking.

"You're in love with Alvin, don't you?"

"Wait, what???" Brittany quickly replied without thinking. What is Tim talking about? It's true that she had feelings for him once, but she was confused whether she still has a feeling for Alvin or not. That's why she wanted to break up, to figure things out.

"Brittany it's okay, I already know it even before I decided to ask you out on our first date." At this point, Tim was talking calmly and normally, the opposite of what Brittany was feeling right now.

"I think you're mistaken. I wasn't in love with Alvin at the time." Brittany admitted, while trying to remembers her feelings back then. She's certain she was over him a few months before she gets to know Tim.

"You said wasn't, that means you didn't deny you had feelings for him." Tim confirmed. "I've seen the way you look at him, and how he looks at you. I know it won't be long before both of you realize your feelings for each other."

Brittany's heart was getting messier. What does he mean by the way she looked at Alvin? She didn't have 'that look' she gave to Alvin. The more this conversation goes, the more she confused and didn't understand her own feelings. But she didn't argue back to him, she would rather stay silent and hear what he thought of her from his point of view.

"I really enjoy our time together Brittany, I really like you. But I think we both known we won't end up together."

"Yeah, you're right." Even if it's hurt hearing that directly from her ex, but Tim is right. Brittany and Tim would never be together. They both really different people, with different purpose and goal in life. Brittany is a free person who wanted to do so many things in her life and reach the top of Hollywood, while Tim is a family-oriented person who has been prepared for all his life to take over the family business. And at the end, they'll be together with the person who have the same life goal with them.

"Still, even though we're exes now, that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right? You can still come to me if you're having trouble."

"Yeah, thank you Tim for being okay with all of this."

"No, thank you Brittany."

Brittany was glad the break-up went well and Tim was cool about it. She was grateful Tim was a good person, otherwise this won't end smoothly like this. He even still wanted to be friends after all of this. At least now she can focus more about her future.
Hello! Incase you didn't know I uplod 2 chapters at one. I just want to remind you incase you skip the previous part. Thank you and see you next chapter ^^

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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