e l e v e n

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Chae's POV 

"Chae" I heard a distinct heavenly sound.

"yes god"

"It's time to wake up." It continued.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled still half awake.


"CHAE! CHAE! THERE IS A BIG INSECT NEAR YOUR FOOT!! CHAE! CHAE! WAKE UP!" Jinyoung shouted making me jolt up.


"let's calm down, cool down, there are no insects here, it was to wake you up." Jinyoung said in hysterics.

"Omg, you are literally the worst human ever and deserve to be assassinated by an insect." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Let's go to take a bath." With take he walked out. I saw a pile of clothes and a towel near my bed, I grabbed it and followed. 

Author's POV  [jinyoung's dialogue - bolded]

They were walking to their destination and the temperature was quite high burning Chae's skin a little. Chae started to sweat and her face started to redden as she walked behind Jinyoung. [To clarify these were not just a result of the heat but also staring at Jinyoung's strong, muscular back.

She felt so annoyed by the fact that the way to the 'bathroom' was so far away. "Who decided to build a bathroom this far? I will be sweating like crazy again after I have had a shower."

Jinyoung heard the complaint from behind but didn't say anything and pointed his finger to a corner of a forest. Chae looked at the location Jinyoung pointed to and her eyes widened. Chae ran there, leaving Jinyoung behind. Chae stood before the beautiful waterfall in complete awe. The waterfall is naturally beautiful with layers of super clear water. It is clear enough to see some leaves laying down underneath the big pool down below.

Chae had no idea what to feel. She turned to Jinyoung and asked, "where is the bathroom?" It sounded so stupid because she knew she had to take a bath at this waterfall.

"Here it is. A 'natural' bathroom."

"You mean I have to get naked and shower here in public? No way!" Chae looked at Jinyoung like she wanted to say 'Are you fucking kidding me?' And Jinyoung seemed to understand the message. "I'm serious."

Chae was beyond annoyed and sighed. "... This is so unfair."

"so...what are you going to do? I don't have all day." Jinyoung used a more intense voice tone.

"fine...I'll take a bath here." With that she started to go into the water, but then she remembered of something that was very awkward and strange for her.

"...I'm about to get naked... I hope you won't sit here and stare at me, right?"

"Nope. I'll be sitting right here. Looking at you." Jinyoung strongly confirmed.

"were both new here. And it's quite risky for us to be alone. And if we by any chance do something to disrespect the wrong person, then we would be in trouble."

... so much trouble. Jinyoung though remembering Bella's story.

"Okay, but I am not going to get naked in front of you under any circumstances, so.... what are you going to do?"

[a/n = Ms. NoT GoINg tO gEt NAkeD iN FrOnT oF YoU UnDEr aNy CiRcUmStAnCeS, are you sure about that? ;)]

"Of course, you're not comfortable, no shit! I'll turn around but you have to be fast. Ok?"

"Thank you. Your efforts are very appreciated." Chae's sarcastically says.

To which the handsome boy walked to a tree nearby and sat underneath, waiting. Chae started to take a bath but with her clothes on because she was still hesitant. Normally she would be very scared but the water was sallow. Although she didn't totally let her guard down, she was still relaxed. But then she came up with some InTeReSTinG ideas to say the least.

Meanwhile, Jinyoung was still waiting, getting impatient, he kept looking at his watch. So, he stood up and wiped some dirt from his pants and walked back to the waterfall to see some clothes laying down on a rock. He tried to look for Chae and she was swimming in the middle of the pool.

"Chae!! Come back! Don't go to that area! There is a whirlpool there!"

Jinyoung yelled out worried. The waterfall is very high, so when the water comes down to the pool, it creates a whirlpool underneath. It seemed like Chae couldn't hear Jinyoung at all. At that moment Chae's body started to disappear into the pool and was not coming up. It only took Jinyoung a split second to decide to take off his shoes quickly.

He swore loudly and jumped into the pool. He dived to Chae's body and wrapped his arms around Chae's waist, tried to swim up to the surface. While Chae started to move and pushed Jinyoung, it was like Chae was trying to drown Jinyoung. But He had more experience in swimming, so he wrapped both of Chae's arms around his neck, successfully locking her in and swam up.

They swam up to the surface of the pool yet Jinyoung was so mad at the naughty soul hanging on his neck. As soon as Jinyoung got up to the surface, he turned his face to the girl who was putting her chin on his shoulder. The nice scent of Chaeyoung's Shampoo made Jinyoung realize how close they are at that moment.

"You...tricked...me..." The deep-toned voice paused on every single word. Chae's pink lips smiled widely, that lovely smile blurred Jinyoung for a second.

"Even if I wasn't drowning in the whirlpool, my legs were cramping."

"... Oh really?" Jinyoung spoke slowly and tried to believe the 'boy who cried wolf'. Yet, he could hear Chae giggle. Chae was overjoyed that she was able to trick her Mr. spicy cupcakes. She didn't even try to swim by herself but still wrapping her arms around Jinyoung until he swam back to the shore.

"get up." Jinyoung ordered while trying to get up from the water, but then Chae grabbed his wet t-shirt. So, he looked at Chae and saw a sad face.

"I have a cramp." Jinyoung looked at Chae and tried to catch if she was lying again... But then he decided to do it anyway, so he picked by Chae like she was his bride on their wedding day. He walked up from the pool with a Chae who was dripping wet from head to toes in his arms. Chae was shocked by what Jinyoung was doing.

Her heartbeat was rising up like crazy. She was as red as a raspberry bidding goodbye to all her self-respect and pride. She had no idea how to react. Show she be mad or embarrassed?

"What are you doing? Put me down, now!"

"You said you have a cramp, don't you? So, I'll carry you like this back to our room. Isn't that a good idea?" The pair of eyes were saying that he was not kidding.

No, its not a good idea, Chae thought.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Chae wrapped her arms around Jinyoung's neck again but this time she yelled into Jinyoung's ear. "It's gone...Put me down!"

Suddenly, Jinyoung dropped Chae to the ground and she almost fell down. He grabbed the towel and threw it at Chae. "Dry yourself and you can change in the room while I wait outside."

And with that he took of his shirt. Chae, look, we don't have any beef, but I got to expose you, GIRL YOU WERE STARRING.

"Seems like you like what you see, thank you." He started walking with a smug look. 


Love you Chae Chae!~💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙

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