chapter 2

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Tony had his head layed on top of the big work station, the project he was working on last night. Must of fallen asleep.

"I see you got some sleep finally" pepper said while leaning on the door frame.

"yeah yeah" tony said before walking towards pepper. They made eye contact, nothing THE tony Stark couldn't handle, except it was a different kind of eye contact...

Tony kind of felt something in his stomach, almost nauseous but not..? Him and Pepper have been...talking. Tony had caught a bit of a liking for her even though he never showed it. After all he was known for the one night- goodbye stuff, made sure he wouldn't get attached.

it was kind of hard with pepper though.

"Friday brew me some coffee" tony said in a sleepy voice. "Of course sir" the AI responded.

"you should get out of the lab you know be" pepper suggested. Tony looked at pepper for a second before bringing his attention to his project again. "um, tony you should come to the party we are invited to...scratch that Friday remind Tony to get ready for the party tonight"

"Of course Miss Potts"

"absolutely not, don't remind me Friday" tony said.

Pepper stared for a few seconds before turning around and leaving. It wasn't worth the fight.

Tony walked out of his lab and into the kitchen just to be greeted by everyone.

"look who's finally out of the lab"


"oh hey Tony"

was all that was heard when tony walked into the kitchen. Tony glared at them before pouring some coffee into a mug.

"How was that orphanage thing? any kids you found interesting?" Clint said. Tony tensed up a little. He still remembers the suspicion he had. "yeah there was one...his name was Peter" Tony smiled at the end remembering everything the boy had said to him. "well that's a first" Nat said while walking in. "fuc-dgeeeee you" tony says earning a glare from steve.

"i kinda want a kid" tony says without thinking about it. It was kind of embarrassing, tony mentally face palmed.

Peter had something to him that could heal anyone's negative emotions. He needed the kid and he'd do anything for him.

"Tony you can't just want a kid after a day of being around them." steve said while watching tony walk back and forth. "But you don't understand, maybe I'd be helping him! There is something really wrong there I know there is"


Of course pepper had to intervene. Tony wanted to hate her but it was almost impossible, she lit something in Tony that he never knew. Tony's fallen in loooooveeeee
"Don't tony me, I need to do something about this! I know I'm right." tony said angrily.

Everyone stared at the man before Tony told everyone to leave in not the friendliest tone. Tony had his head in his hands, he didn't know why any of the team didn't believe in him.

Everyone walked away from tony except for Nat.

"Tony I believe you, sooo why don't we stop by the orphanage tomorrow or something?" Nat smiled. Tony's head came up very quickly with a small smile on his face "THANK YOU NAT!!!"

Peter woke up, not Eva in her bed.

He fought his covers off before hopping down from the bed and going to open the door before he heard yelling.


"ma'am can you please not do this to peter.." Eva said helplessly


"do it to me..." Eva said

Peter hated yelling, he just wanted to be happy with Eva and a family. All he could hear was the whipping of the belt on Eva skin and her calls for help.




Peter couldn't do anything, he couldn't even move.

Peter was scared.

"EVWA" peter screamed of worry as she heard her coming up the stairs. Eva entered the room with a bunch of red marks all over her body. "yes p-pete?" Eva stuttered out.
The beating was harsh, it's never been this bad before. Peter went to give Eva a hug but when he did Eva's whole body shot up in pain. "OW F- peter please not now". Peter panicked "I'm so sowwy Eva! Peter bad" he went into a corner "I think about my actions evwa"

"no no it's ok Peter" Eva said before picking the boy up. Another wash of pain went over her. Peter jumped from her arms and sat on Eva's bed watching outside from evas window that had the wood cover. "evwa it says stawk on this big building is that Mistew stawk?"

"mhm" Eva hummed in response

"evwa? what if we try and escape?"

Eva looked at Peter contemplating what he just suggested.

"ALEX GET IN HERE" Eva yelled, Alex came running in. "what do you want" he asked.

"we need to escape"

(mhm alexander from last chapter)

Peter watched as Alex and Eva planned the way out of the building. They talked about jumping out of the window but then they realized Claire had bolted them shut and boarded them. Nothing seemed to be a good plan.

"we need to fight them and get out the door somehow" alex says slowly trying to understand. Eva looks up at the sudden suggestion and nods. Peter brings a crayon and pencil over so Alex and Eva can plan.


uh hey besties😌

This chapter is very rushed I feel but you know hopefully next chapter is going to be much much much better.

and Alexander did my homie peter wrong first chapter. But you know we must FORGIVE!

hope y'all enjoy :)

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