chapter 5

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"This?" the man points to his jacket. Eva knods but the winces in pain. The man snickers in response.

"So what is it" Eva voiced while holding her arm to her chest. The man smirks "well you guys are about to find out aren't you". A bunch of men come out of hiding places standing right in front of the trio. Eva and Alex look at each other in worry, standing in front of Peter.

"what do you want" Eva seethed out, she put both her arms by her side jumping from the pain in one of them. Alex glared at the men, knuckles going white. "we are looking for a... new recruit" the man said with a darkening chuckle at the end. Alex taps Eva whispering into her ear, "that's hydra e-eva" Eva stood there eyes open.

"what's wrong?" one of the men behind speak. Eva takes out her phone just to be greeted by a notification, much like an amber alert that has a full description of the men in front of her. "nothings wrong" Eva gulped.

Peter wakes up to the two teenagers blocking his view. He gets out of the wagon and pushes between Alex and Eva smiling, the only light coming from the street light above them. "hi I'm petew" he says quietly . Alex and Eva takes tiny step forward blocking peters view once again. Luckily no one heard peter except for the two teens. "Peter stay back please" Alex says under his breath. Peter pouts "NO! ME PETEW" He yells.

The group of men hear the boy this time "ohhhhh, what do we have here" Eva and Alex tense up preparing for the worst.

"I'd advise you to move" one of the men say pushing Alex and Eva apart. They were to shocked to move. The man crouches down staring into Peter's eyes "huh quite interesting, just what we need".

"just what you need for what?" a man speaks. The group looks up directly where they heard the voice. Next thing we know CAPTAIN FRICKING AMERICA WALKS INTO THE LIGHT, Peter looks at captain America smiling big "captain amewica to the rescue! b-but whewes iwonman?"

Ironman lands directly behind peter "right here" Peter jumps in happiness and gives out a few "woahhhhhhs".

[Tony's POV ]

Hydra come for us immediately. Got some pretty good hits but ya know...I get the better ones. Steve is doing pretty well as always. showoff.

The kid is still standing in amazement as I'm fighting off these guys, I'm pretty sure he's making sound effects out loud. The girl is covering his ears, I kind of understand why and she occasionally covers his eyes. It's not exactly the best scene to see people getting shot and basically dying on the ground.

There's this one guy right now that I've basically blasted like five times and he still hasn't died. So of course I'm busy, forgetting to glance over at the kid. that's going to be a big mistake.

[back to whatever it was before]

One of the suited men walk towards the trio, none of the avenger notice. Eva pushes peter behind her and Alex goes in front of Eva out of instinct. The man smacks Alex out of the way. Eva looks directly into the mans eyes before punching him hard in the head, he falls to the ground. Alex gets up immediately and Eva starts kicking him "you. bitch. not. my. brothers." Eva says kick after kick.

Alex and Eva look at each other. that's the first time Eva has ever referred Peter and Alex as her brothers. The sweet moment was ruined by the man grabbing hold of Eva's ankle and snapping it. She fell to the ground with a whine, she looked up at the captain america and Ironman desperately hoping they'll give as little as a side glance...but they were occupied.

Everything went muffled and slowed for Eva. The muffled noise of Alex breaking his knuckles every punch he hit. The man was to strong for Alex to fight by himself. Then everything went back to normal, Eva got up screaming as she stood on her broken ankle. She punched the man in the face and then caught grasp of his head and collided her knee with his face.

The commotion was enough for Ironman to call for backup (which was literally around the corner). Natasha Romanoff drifted her motorbike and jumped off before it could fall. She beat up the man trying to get to Peter and then stopped waiting for another man to come after her or the others.

Natasha turned around to look at cap and Ironman waiting for their que. But there was none. Natasha helps Alex up and Steve helps Eva up, They both grunt in pain. They both walk to the car and tony is about to pick Peter up before a dressed up man runs and sprints with the boy. Tony speaks through the comms "once you get the others in the car  help me please, they've got the boy.

Natasha and Steve closed the car doors running towards Tony to try and help the kid.
Tony flies trying to get ahead of them before he has a sticky substance constricting him to fly. Natasha tries to catch up to the man but she isn't fast enough. Steve catches up to the man, and trips him which makes the kid fly out of his arms.

"Natasha or Tony get the boy" Steve yells.

Tony runs first but peter has been snatched already. Tony stops in his tracks, a million thoughts going through his head.

Natasha stands right next to Tony.

"i lost the kid"


lol peter got wig snatched-

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