chapter 13

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next day:

peter walks into the last class of the period and sits in his desk laying out his supplies just like yesterday. peter was sad to see ms stevens go, she was one of his favourite teachers.

"hello class, i am ms williams as most of you guys found out yesterday, so let's get started with attendance."

the room is filled with "here" "yup" "present" as Ms Williams goes through the class list. she reaches the p's

peter was doodling in his notebook before he heard "peter...uh peter parker" ms williams quickly steadied her voice. Peter looks up at the new teacher "that's me" and gives a smile. she looks at him and swallows "nice to meet you". peter nodded and went back to doodling.

she reaches the T's

"Eugene Thompson"

"that's me, pretty girl" flash smirks and Ms williams glares at him. "oh oh ohhh, it's flash by the way, let me hear it out of those gorgeous lips of yours" flash says with his same smirk.

"ok that's fucking disgusting" willow says. peter immediately looks up at the sound of her voice. since when was she in this class? ms williams looks at willow and nods "that isn't appropriate language. but yes it's true it was disgusting and that earns you a detention mr thompson" ms williams goes back to teaching.

they learn about the upcoming test they have at the end of the week and then they are dismissed.

"oh uh...peter" ms williams brushes her fingers across peters arm. peter looks at the teacher's eyes, they are filled with confusion and sadness "yes?". she looks away in regret the looks back "do you have five mins? i wanna talk with you".



"do you recognize me?" she says with hope. peter looks back at her in confusion "uh- i mean you look familiar but like, might have seen you anywhere" peter shrugs. she sighs and try's to form words for what she is about to say.

"i must have just been mistaken then, sorry that i bothered you just...looked exactly like a boy i knew." peter shoots her a sympathetic look and then bites the inside of his cheek "i uh- i think i'm going to head out, see you miss williams" and he walks out of the classroom.

Peter didn't even make 10 steps before he is pushed to the side by someone. he looks up just to see willow there staring back at him "uh hey?" she looks at him and sighs "did michelle actually mean what she said?". peter looks at her and laughs "uhm she sure did, it's kind of obvious" willow looks back at him "well ok, then i'm going to go find her"

peter walks out of the school just to be greeted by flash and his buddies picking on ned.

"hey fattie! let's see that mcdonald's receipt" flash yells at ned. his goons let out a few "ooooooo"s. i  come out of his hiding place and walks outside.

"flash? what the hell?" i say approaching him. flash snickers "and what are you going to do about nerd" flash says looking back at his smiling buddies. i take a breath before replying "nothing.".

i walk away from the scene and past ned and walk home. there's nothing i can really do. after all, the only thing people know me as is, little weak peter parker.

i make it back to the apartment and unlock the door. "i'm back may!"

"hi peter" may calls from the kitchen where she is cooking a homemade pizza. i flash her a quick smile before heading to my room.

(may's pov)

i hear a key slide into the door and i get up from my spot against the drawers and smile.

"i'm back may!" peter yells from the door. he closes it softly and walks towards his room.

ok may you've got this.

"hi peter" i wave at him while i check the pizzas in the oven. he shoots me a quick smile before walking into his room.

my knees automatically buckle underneath me and i hit my arm on the oven door. "OUCH" i say to loudly. peter comes running out of his room "woah may here" peter picks me up from under my arms and walks me over to a kitchen stool. he looks at my arm and then gets up and walks to the bathroom.

I put my hand to my forehead in frustration. it's getting harder to hide. Peter walks out with the red first aid kit and bandages it up. He observes my face until- beep beep beep. Peter puts on the oven mitts and takes out the pizza.


"Welcome Class! I have some exciting news" Ms Williams claps her hands together and then picks up the papers from behind her. She hands out a paper to everyone in the room and then goes back to the front of the classroom. "Tony Stark needs a new intern, and only one lucky person gets to be it! good luck everyone". Ms Williams returns to her desk.

Peter looks down at the questions. They arent as hard as he thought they would be, I mean considering that one of us could be THEE Tony Stark's intern these questions are super easy.

Peter if she's the questions and walks up to the teachers desk and puts the paper in to the hand in bin.



ANYWAYS, here's a trash chapter once again :)

-n <3

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