chapter 4

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"how are they back, I thought Steve dealt with them!" Tony yells. Tony's it's down and puts his head in his hands.

"we have no location" Bruce says to everyone.

Everyone sighs in defeat. Steve opens his mouth to talk but then closes it. "Rogers, talk I saw that." Tony demanded. Steve looks up and sighs once again "they might be looking for a new...winter soldier".

Tony zones into his thoughts for a moment. A new winter soldier would, kids (and adults but that's the least of concern) would be in danger. Tony zones out of his thoughts and walks to his computer and makes the screen into a hologram and calls an alert to the whole city.

"Stark, did you just lockdown the whole city?" Steve checks his phone. Tony replies with a nod before walking away.


The night Peter, Alex and Eva have been so excited for...


Alex and Eva had everything planned out on a sheet of paper. Claire will not see that coming.

the plan

1. pack our most useful possessions (clothes, phone etc.)

2. take the extra blankets and make a rope

3. go inside the room and open the window and throw the blanket rope down

4. climb down the rope

5. escape to a safe place

6. once in a safe place call 911. make sure all personal phones are wrecked so we cannot be tracked.

"this list is pretty good" Alex says with a smile. Eva returns the smile and gets up to do step one. "better get a move on Alex, we can't delay this" Eva shoos Alex away.

Peter walks into Eva's bedroom with his Ironman backpack filled with his belongings. Eva takes the backpack off peter's back and checks through it "Peterrrrr where are your action figures?". Peter makes a very over dramatic surprised face before running to get his action figures. Eva giggles at his reaction.

"HEY EV- erm hi claire" is heard by Alex in the hallway. Claire glares at Alex before speaking slowly "" emphasizing the "d". Alex looks intimidated before he speaks back " me and Eva were going to draw some pictures" Alex lies. Claire knods before turning around and walking down the stairs "it's getting dark, get to sleep soon or you know what will happen"

Alex runs into Eva's room, successfully this time. "Claire is passed out somewhere downstairs, i can hear her snoring through these vents" Alex says with a disgusted face when talking about the bug infested vents. Eva picks up the list and her backpack motioning for the others to do that same.

They all walk out of the room and down the hallway, each step they take the floor creaks. "god damn it, why didn't they fix this with the money... you know what never mind" Eva whispers. Eva opens the door to the room checking that Oliver is sleeping, he indeed is.

Eva bends down gathering the blanket rope and Alex opens the window, to everyone's surprise it doesn't make a noise. Eva knots the blanket on a nearby object before throwing it outside the window "Alex hold on to Peter extra right, Peter hold on to Alex super tight." Eva whispers. Alex climbs out of the window and hangs on the rope in a seating position. Eva lifts Peter onto Alex's lap, Peter latches onto Alex for dear life.

Alex and Peter get down safely. Eva's turn... Eva steps out of the window staring down at the ground panicking silently. She grabs hold of the rope and slowly lowers her self down to the ground. When she gets to about 10 feet left she falls down and lands down on her arm. A sharp crack fills the air before Eva groans of pain and mutters curse words.

Peter attempts to scream in worry but Alex covers his mouth before he can make a noise. Eva gets up holding her arm to her body "Alex hold onto Peter... ugh... while we get somewhere" Eva says her voice cracking.

The trio walk the street trying to figure out where we will go to. "I'm getting sweepy" Peter says slowing his pace down. "there's a wagon up there that we can put you in Peter" Eva says barely hiding her grunts of pain. They walk for a little bit before stopping at the wagon. Alex helps peter in before forcing Eva to sit in there with him so she doesn't have to be in so much pain.

Raindrops land on them at they all stay silent while they all move along the street. They come across a gas station stopping at it, Peter and Eva stay in the wagon.

About 15 mins go by before Alex returns with a container full of potato fries. "The gas station couldn't help us, their phone is broken" Alex picked up the wagon handle and started walking the street once again.

Peter fell asleep and Eva sat there staring into the darkness thinking. Why did this have to be a reality for us? We all deserve a better life then this. Alex shouldn't t have to- "ah hello children, what are you doing out here so late" a man said which snapped Eva out of her thoughts. He looks at Eva's arm "hurts I see, need anything?".

"What's the symbol on your jacket?"


hey bestiesss😁

37 views already :) love you all and thank you for viewing my book so far.

this chapter is a bit shorter then planned but that's ok I think?

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