chapter 3

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Eva and Alex were planning how they were going to pull off the escape. Peter was playing with his avenger action figures. "The only way out is past them" Alex says accepting defeat. Eva gives Alex a look of disappointment.

But to be honest

Eva didn't know what to do either

"I'll get back to you if I find a good idea" Alex got up and left the room.

Peter's stomach started growling and eva noticed, but Peter just kept on playing like it was normal.

It was normal but I shouldn't be.

"Buddy let's go get some food" Eva took peter's hand and guided him to the worn down kitchen. Eva made peter a peanut butter sandwich and Peter smiled taking a big bite out of it.

The bread was stale and the sandwich lacked peanut butter but Peter still dove into it like it was the best meal ever.

Peter and Eva left the kitchen and back up to evas room.

"why don't we jump out the window" peter says with his mouth full.

"because the windows are boarded shut" Eva says simply.

Peter looks at Eva confused for a moment. Eva returns the look back.

"olivew is small so he don't need boawded windows" Peter speaks

Eva doesn't say anything for a moment. Eva looks like she's thinking before she sprints out of the room towards Oliver room to check out peters observation.

When Eva opens the door, the windows are uncovered unlike everyone else's room. She stands there a moment before realizing that this is it.

She runs to the end of the hallway and opens the door to see Alex reading a book.

"What is i-"


Alex stands up slowly with shock writen on his face. He slowly grins and gives Eva a hug.


"Nat you ready to go?" Tony smiles.

"Yup let's meet this kid" she responds.

Tony tells Friday to take out his fanciest car so they can arrive in style. Nat is already heading out the door.

"Heading to grab something alright guys?" Tony tells everyone. Everyone nods and tony walks away with a smile.

Tony walks out to see Natasha already in the car checking out her hair.


Tony gets in and puts the keys in the ignition and the car makes the revving noise as it starts up.

Tony decided to drive instead of making the car doing it on its own. He needs to calm down.

Everything about that orphanage made tony cringe. The amount of red flags there was unsettling.

They all looked like skin and bones as they stood in front of him a couple days ago. Peter was pale. Eva was going to say something to tony but Claire of course came in.

what was she going to say?

"tony? TONY? turn on auto pilot." Nat said the car obeyed and drove itself. Tony was still lost in his thoughts. "TONY HELLOOOOO? She waved a hand in front his eyes and he went back into reality.

"I'm fine I'm just going over everything suspicious about the orphanage." Tony says while rubbing his head. "bet there is nothing going on there, you did check those hidden cameras a lot didn't you?" Nat says trying to help tony calm down.

"the thing is... they stopped working nat."

"Sir you haven't given me a location" the car speaks.

"happy hearts orphanage"


"ok so we escape through the window and then try and get to somewhere safe. call the police to help get the others out?" Alex reads the page slowly out to Eva to try and make sure he understands. Eva nods her head.

"when?" Alex asked. Eva looks straight into Alex's eyes and responds "tonight".

Alex gives a concerned look. "you sure this is a good idea?" Alex says. Eva looks back down to the paper thinking... regretting?

"we can't let the kids think this is how life is Alex" Eva says quietly.

Alex smiles at eva's response. She always puts us first before anyone else.

"for the kids" Alex says while putting his hand in between them. Eva joins putting her hand in and Peter comes running in putting his hand in not sure what's happening but he does it anyway.


"arrived at destination" the car speaks.

"time to see what the suspicion is all about" Nat says while opening the Audi's door. Tony does the same thing. They pause in front of each other to give Tony a breather before they walk up to the worn down door into the orphanage. Tony knocks putting his ear to the door.


Tony opens the door to the orphanage with Natasha behind him. smells like alcohol, almost like it's fermented into the walls. Disgusting.

Natasha notices too and walks to the kitchen looking for any sign of beer bottles or something, to her surprise there is none and the kitchen is spotless. Natasha comes back to where Tony is standing. "Tony, where are the kids" Natasha says.

Tony points to the door that leads up to upstairs. Natasha opens the door and walks slowly up the stairs and into the hallway that has many doors. Natasha think to herself looks good to me.

Before she hears a voice and someone opens the door, the person walks out. She has blonde hair and she seems like she's 15-16. Tony automatically recognizes her before she turns to where Natasha and Tony are standing.

"erm... mr stark what can I do for you?" she lets out with a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Just wanted to check out what Claire and Theo have done for the orphanage since my last visit" Mr Stark smiles.

Eva returns the smile back. Awkwardness fills the hallway, Natasha clears her throat before she speaks " I'm Natasha Romanoff by the way" Eva's smile gets really big as she starts a ramble "you are literally my idol, you made me join boxing when I was ten. You made me stand up to my bullies once when I was living in- shit sorry I'm rambling." Nat smiles before pulling Eva into a hug. Natasha was pretty underrated when it came to the avengers, she felt appreciated.

Eva opens the door to her room, it closes for a second before opening again.
But instead of just Eva, there was peter and Alex.

"woahhhh mistew stawk?" Peter says looking at tony in amazement. "uh....yeah it's mr Stark." He responds. Alex stands frozen as he looks at the two superheroes.

"Mistew stawk, can I show you my Iwonman dwawing?" Peter says giving tony puppy dog eyes.

"sure th-" tony is cut off by Natasha and his phone ringing. They both take the call.

"tony and nat , hydra is back..." Nat and Tony shout in frustration.


Nat takes Tony's arm and runs while tony says a quick goodbye.


ew hydra

ok hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :D

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