Chapter 8

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Just wanted you guys to know what Anna looks like here's the picture of her.

Anna's POV
I wake to pain coursing through my body, blood dripping down on the ground. I felt arms holding me, carrying me. I panicked and tried to get away.

"Anna, fucking stop! I don't want to drop you!" A familiar voice called, he held me tight. I look up at him.

"Jeff." I softly say, my throat hurt, from screaming. He smiles and he looked as if he leaned in to kiss me. My hand hits his cheek. It probably didn't hurt, it was my left arm. He looked at me in surprise. He set me down softly, I sat leaning against a tree.

"You left me there for days, I could've died!" I yelled at him weakly. "Do you know how many times I needed you?"

"I tried-" he started but I interrupted him.

"Do you know how much pain I feel? I thought you didn't care about me and you left me there to die."

"Seriously?" He stares at me in annoyance. I continue.

"Rake could've raped me or killed me! I mean what would you care for you probably changed your mind and . . ." I got interrupted by a "Shut up" and a kiss. I pushed him away. "What are you doing?! I'm supposed to be mad at you!"

"Let me fucking explain before accusing me of leaving you to die okay princess?!" He yelled at me in annoyance. I stare at him in shock and shut my mouth. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "I didn't stop looking until I found you, it was really fucking hard to find so shut up with that "I left you" shit. I wasn't just going to leave you there to die."

Ugh, now I feel terrible for accusing him of leaving me. I painfully hug him, he sits up in surprise.

"Thanks for not leaving me." I say with a smile. He wraps his arms around me. "Let's go home."

He slowly picks me up and we walk home.

When we get home, he cleans my wounds and bandages them. For a psychopath, he's a good nurse.

Within a few days I felt better, Jeff left once in awhile to go killing. But he'd always come back with food, and a sweet treat for me, chocolate.

One night I was laying on the bed trying to sleep. Jeff came over and jumped on top of me. I look up at him and glare.

"I'm trying to sleep." I tell him.

"I can see that shit." He chuckles. I turn and face him.

"That means, go somewhere else and leave me to my sleep." I say jokingly.

"Well this is my bed so you're the one to leave, plus I would like a payment." He smirks. I sigh and lean up and kiss him. He gets me excited, and we make crazy love again. As we were, I whispered something in his ear.

"I love you."

"I fucking love you too."


After our every kill we take our time out of each house. Taking food, clothes, watching movies on their couch, or using their house in every way we could, unless we needed to get out of the house pronto.
One night we were in this rich guys huge mansion, he had no family or friends, so it was the perfect kill. We ran through the house in the dark. Until a knock came to the front door, I slowly looked out the window and saw it was his neighbor. We saw him while we stalked this guy. So I was dressed as a hooker of some sort just to get in the house. I nod at Jeff and I open the door and smirk at the guy. He was younger maybe late 20s, he was in a robe. Remember this is in the middle of the night so I'm guessing he was hearing Jeff and I have sex and thought it was the owner of the house and I.
"Hey there is there anything I can help you with?" I say looking at him an alluring way. He stutters nervously and smiles gently.
"I heard some commotion over here and I thought I'd check it out." He spoke with his hand held in the front of him.
"Why don't you come in and join?" I wink at him, he blushes deeply and slowly makes his way in. As I close the front door, Jeff awaited behind it and jumps on the guy covering his mouth with his hand.
"Go to sleep mother fucker." Jeff whispers in the guys ear before plunging his knife in the guys chest.
From then on I use my sex appeal to lure men to Jeff for him to kill. We're the perfect match.

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