Chapter 6

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Today was the last day of summer break and since Maya and I have been working hard with our school work we decided to go to the beach to relax and have fun, Plus I was finally gonna spend time with Maya...or so I hoped.

Maya! Come let's go swimming! Lunar said standing in the water with melody and Mavis.

Coming! Maya said running to the others.

Well so much for spending time with Maya...I said in a disappointing tone while grilling the meat and vegetables on the grill.

Man there's a lot of hot babes out here today! Eric said starting at all the girls that walked by them.

Your suppose to be helping me cook not chase down girls with your eyes. I said flipping the food.

Relax man we're at the beach..what am I supposed to do watch the sand and the seagulls? Eric said walking by the grill. But I have to say we hang out with some pretty hot ladies...And you live with the cutest one of all.

I looked out at the ocean and saw Maya and the others slashing each other in the water..then I saw Maya looked my way, she gave me a smile and waved to me. I felt myself blush and I waved back.

Hmm if I'm not mistaken..I'll say that you have a crush on Maya. Eric said standing next to me with a smirk on his face.

W-what are you talking about?! I said trying not to seem obvious. We're just friends and nothing more.

Eric gave me that I know your lying face. But the truth is I do like Maya but I don't want it to become weird between that selfish of me to think like that?

Help! Help me please help! Someone was yelling in the water.

Kaoru! Eric! We need your help! Maya said running towards us in a panic with lunar and Mavis behind her.

Maya what's wrong? I said holding her.

There's a girl out there who was swept away by the waves and she have to help her please. Maya said in a worried tone.

I ran out to the ocean as fast as I could and I dived in to the water as I swam as fast as I could to save the drowning girl. I was underwater for a while before I came up for air with the girl arm around my shoulders and unconscious. I walked to the shore with the unconscious girl and I quickly gave her mouth to mouth, she coughed up some water and she woke up.

Hey are you ok? I asked the girl.

What happened? Who are you? She said looking around.

Oh I'm--I started to say.

Kaoru! Maya said running to me and hugging me. Are you ok? Is she ok?

I believe she is. I said looking at her.

What's your name? Maya asked.

I'm Victoria. She said standing up. Who are you?

Oh I'm Maya and this is Kaoru. Maya said

Hey Maya, kaoru! Are you guys alright? Eric said running towards us with lunar and Mavis behind him.

Yeah we're fine. Maya said.

Is she alright? Mavis asked Maya.

Yes she fine kaoru got to her just in time. Maya said with a smile while looking at kaoru.

You're the one that saved me right. Victoria asked walking close to him.

Um yeah...are you sure ok? We should take you to a hospital or something.

No I'm fine..but I would like to thank you for saving me..if that's ok. Victoria said with a little blush.

No it's fi---I started to say before I was interrupted with a passionate kiss from Victoria.

Everyone one was surprised by what just happened but no one was more surprised than Maya.....

What just happened..I asked myself.

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