hey, partner

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I was currently on my way to the cafeteria; to make life easier for myself, I was thinking of all the different ways I can kill Peter Parker without taking the blame.

I hate that kid, I hate him. I hate him so much. The irony behind this, was that I was going to sit right next to him at lunch. I lazily walked to our table, dreading the moment of interaction.

"Hey Ned." I smiled, he greeted back. I purposely didn't address Peter's presence, I wasn't trying to be mean. I just wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

I sat down instantly attaching my head to my arms to take a nap. I felt someone tap my arm. "Hey Y/n, um...Ned and I are going to the movies after school, wanna come?" He suggested.

The Parker mission was done and I had no reason to hang out with anyone here, I just needed to go to school until my Father tells me to switch to homeschooling again.

I reply without lifting my head "No, I can't. Actually, I'm super tired and I didn't get enough sleep last night." I then dozed off for the rest of lunch until the bell broke my peaceful slumber.


𓄇time skip𓄇

As if my life couldn't get any worse, I had been assigned an AP Biology Project to do with Peter. Life was fun at the beginning of the Parker mission. I could stand being around Peter, and not want to rip his head off any time I see his face.

I feel as though I am being too harsh. After all, turning into Spider-Man and being recruited by my Dad was not his fault, but I just couldn't help but feel resentment for him. And with resentment came guilt.

Peter had asked me to come over and work on the project from now, since it was due on Monday. I agreed and told him I would come over, after him and Ned finish watching their movie.

My thoughts were disrupted by the closing of Peter's bedroom door. "I closed the door, if that's alright with you. I just don't want May to bother us while we're working." He smiled sheepishly. "That's alright." I replied.

After some time I got bored, and decided to converse with my least favorite boy on this planet. "So, um...What are your plans for the weekend?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well, I have this Stark internship, they just recently employed me. Mr. Stark says that he needs me for the whole weekend so I'll be pretty busy." He stammered. "Ooh, cool. Doing what?" I pressed, trying to see if he would get better at this lying game, which he was terrible at.

"Just doing stuff like, programming, robotics, all that jazz." He lied. Not bad, Parker, not bad. "Oh that's so cool, can you like get me an autograph from Tony or something?" I said trying not to burst out the laugh stuck in my throat.

"Sure, I mean...if I can." We were then interrupted by knocks on the door. "Come in." Peter invited. "Hey kids, there's some leftover pizza in the oven if you want some." May smiled.

"Oh, you must be Y/n, I've heard a lot about you from-" She said but was then interrupted by a yelp from Peter, I quietly laughed, embarrassed. He talks to his aunt about me. "It's so nice to finally meet you." I chirped. "Likewise." She replied.

"Well, I'll leave you two to work, good luck." She piped. "Thank you." We said in unison. I like May. I could see where Parker gets his good manners and morals from.

After numerous hours of working and gathering information, we were nowhere near finished, and I felt myself dozing off by the second.


"Hey, do you wan--" I asked Y/n coming into the room, but halted. There she was sleeping on the floor seat. I did not want to disrupt her in her sleep, so I lifted her off the seat and into my bed.

I stared at her peaceful face for a couple seconds then turned away, I wouldn't want her to think I'm some sort of creep.

She just looked so beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen a girl prettier than her; yes I liked Liz, but these new feelings towards Y/n confused me greatly. I covered her with a blanket, and then I shut off her laptop.

It was pretty late at night, but I wanted some fresh air. I went out from the fire escape onto the complex's rooftop.

I took a deep breath and enjoyed it because for a while I'm not gonna be able to enjoy a lot of things, such as hanging out with Y/n, Ned, and MJ.

My whole life's gonna' be turned upside down, just cause of this Spider-Man stuff. Part of me is saying that I should back out and just continue living a normal life, but the other part of me needs a purpose, and this purpose is just perfect.

My mountain of thoughts was disrupted by a certain girl climbing up the fire escape. "Wow! Ditching me? Dick move." She sarcastically replied.

"Yeah, sorry, I just needed some air." I confessed. She sat down next to me, dangerously close I might add. "Something on your mind, Pete?" She consoled. "Yeah. Just stuff, the internship." I sighed.

"You're having fun, no?" She asked. "Yeah, I am. But it's just stressful, I have a lot to think about. I'm gonna' be putting a lot of this at stake, just for it." I huffed.


"By the way, thanks for putting me on the bed." I thanked him, it was a really nice thing of him to do. I just wish I didn't have to hate you. "Yeah no problem." He smiled.

For a moment there I could've sworn I felt something between Peter and I. I knew he had a lot on his mind. He was very nervous about what Dad had asked him to do.

Hating Peter could wait. Right now he was conflicted and needed a friend. "Well, I'm sure if anyone could ace this internship, It's you Parker." I consoled. "I'm not kidding, Peter you're honestly one of the smartest kids in school. You're also sweet and kind." I said looking at his beautiful brown eyes.

Hating him doesn't mean I should hate his physical features or personality, I could hate him when he's Spider-Man, but learn to get along with him when he's Peter Parker.

Right now, my feelings and emotions were being blown into one big hurricane. I wasn't sure whether to hate him or like him.

"Wow, um...Thank you so much Y/n. That means a lot coming from you." He smiled. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes once more. I could feel the space between us becoming thinner and thinner.

I can't do this, at least not yet. It would be unfair to him.

I put my head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath, and examining the star-filled sky.

"Don't mention it, Pete." I smiled, closing my eyes.

Don't be fooled, Parker.

I hope you guys liked this chapter
something big is happening next chapter

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