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We were currently at the tower, trying to make cures for every one of these supervillains. "Where's Connors?" Peter asked May. "He told me he wanted to stay in the truck."

"Okay." He shrugged. "I kinda' feel bad for using The Avengers' tower for this." He admitted to me. "No such thing, Happy is safe and I told Pepper to stay at the cabin, VERY far away from all this commotion." I informed him.

Flint sat on the cashmere sofa of the living room and sand went everywhere. "Sorry." He apologized.

The tech in Dad's old lab is possibly the last bit of Stark tech that hasn't been taken by the FBI. I think Pepper fabricated a story about all of them being disabled, and her wanting to keep them as memorabilia.

"So this is your plan? Hmm? No facilities, just performing miracles in a small lab? What are you gonna' do? Cook our cures in a microwave with frozen burritos?" Doc Ock scowled.

I don't appreciate his attitude, but I love his sarcasm. It's refreshing.

"I could go for a burrito." Norman stared at him, still wide-eyed. "Same." I shrugged.

"After all of this is over, burritos on me, and that's a promise!" I announced.

"You're gonna' kill us all." Doc Ock rolled his eyes. "Sure hope not, you're up first Doc." Peter told him.

"I don't need fixing!" He complained. I grabbed the bluetooth device connected to his tentacles and led him to Dad's lab. "I told you insolent children, I don't fixing!" He yelled.

All the villains followed after us, discombobulated over the machine before their eyes. I tapped the roof of the machine, to which it opened up, "Boys, this right here is a fabricator. It can design, analyze, and create basically anything and everything." I explained.

Electro's eyes lit up as he inched towards the machine. "Look at that." He extended his finger. I smacked his hand away. "Hey! No touching." I warned.

"Ow, your girlfriend's freakishly strong." He seethed at Peter, whilst rubbing his impacted hand.

Both Peter and I started working on Doc Ock's cure, which is basically a new chip in trade for his compromised one.

Norman was there for observation. "So the chip in the back of Doc's neck was designed to protect his brain from the A.I. system that's controlling these tentacles." I explained to Norman.

Peter grabs the tweezers that held the chip from my hand. "But, if you look here, the chip is fried. So rather than him being in control of the tentacles, the tentacles are now in control of him." He showed Norman

"I guess that explains why he is so miserable all the time." I speculated. After an hour or so, Peter and I add the final pieces to Doc Ock's chip.

"Remarkable. The technology and
both of you. When all this is over, if you need a job and you're willing to commute to another universe..." Norman is bewildered.

We both chuckle. "Trust me Norman, if the rift of space and time won't blow into chaos I'd go in a heartbeat." Working on these cures made me remember why I wanted to be like my Dad.

Being Black Cat caused a bit of a fog in my brain over my hobbies and interests, what I really loved doing, and wanted to pursue. I loved engineering just like my Dad and I want to honor his legacy, not fluctuate it.

𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐂𝐄 ⚛︎ 𝗉. 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄𝖾𝗋 ⚔︎ 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now