Camila Cabello, Self Obsessed Diva

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"Do it again! Do it again!" I demand whilst lying on my bed and giggling uncontrollably

"Give us the money..." Shawn says in his terrible attempt at an Irish accent "Or she'll be sleeping wi the fishes ca-piss?"

"Ca-piss????" I howl holding my stomach tight as the laughter that's racking my body causes my abdominal muscles to burn "Ca-piss!!!"

"Stop" Shawn manages to say before bursting into fits of laughter, falling down onto my bed beside me as we both let our laughter fill the room

"He was good"

"He was"

"Until he ca-pissed all over it" I can't stop the tears that are rolling down my cheeks, and for the first time since I got here they are tears of happiness and laughter and I can't remember the last time I laughed like this.

Not since I became famous that's for sure

Not since I left my family, or at least since they sold me to my record label

Not in a long time...

Maybe not ever

I grab a pillow and place it over my face hoping to muffle the noise
but Shawn quickly pulls it away and turns on to his side, gazing down on me with tears of laughter dripping from his own eyes

"Don't do that" he instructs  "I like to hear you laugh"

"Everyone says I laugh like Janice from friends" I admit, holding back how much it hurt my feelings at first

"Yeah well I don't know who that is but I like the way you sound" before I can answer him his mouth is over mine and my hands are tangled in his hair holding him tightly to me as his tongue brushes over mine and I submit to his desire

For long minutes our mouths move together, softly and then more frantically, my hands dragging him to me, my body begging him to touch me but he's a criminal and I'm Camila Cabello, I will be damned if I beg him for anything

Pulling away I can't help but smile as he immediately attempts to pull me back to him, his golden eyes now they colour of dark honey, his breath heavy and his cheeks pink

"How come out there we act like we think the other one sucks but In here it's all sucking faces?" I ask, dodging his lips as his fingers grab my hips and pull me under him

"There's plenty of other places suitable for sucking" he says in a slow, dark tone

"Well why don't you show me them some time?" I tease, just as his mouth descends once more and then Nialls voice causes us to jump away from each other as though we had been electrocuted

"Houston we have another fuckin problem!" He announces and after taking a few moments to right ourselves, Shawn exits the bedroom first

"Another problem? Our biggest fuckin problem is that tiny little bitch in there"

I grin, not taking offence at all, pleased with how frustrated Shawn sounds

"Yeah well this is a Caleb Mackie sized problem"

"Caleb?" I jump up from the bed and rush to the living area "What did you say about Caleb?"

"He just screwed everything up... again!"


"My ransom video was just beginning to gain some traction when that fucker goes on national news to say we are taking advantage of the failed April Fools prank, looking to make a quick euro and that he's been with you the whole time. You're tired and embarrassed about how things went down at Madison Squared Garden and then the complete fail of an April Fools Day prank and you're lying low, but you're safe and he's with you"

"That fucker!" Shawn growls

"Do they believe him?"I ask. Trying my hardest not to show how hurt I am by his deception

"Of course they do. They're calling it your 'Britney moment' acting like you're having some kind of motherfuckin breakdown and humiliating your team in the process"

"So they still don't care?"

"Camila..." Shawns hand lands on my shoulder

"Fuck them. I don't need Caleb, I don't need fans, I don't need anyone!"

I stomp into the bedroom and then slam the door shut

When I was first taken I had imagined the whole world in chaos, everyone panicked and desperate for my safe return but it turns out they would rather believe I am some mentally ill, self obsessed diva...

Dropping back down onto my bed my chest constricts at the thought of how easily Caleb sold me out and how he's now desperately trying to keep me gone

Self obsessed diva...

I think of the way I screamed and insulted and abused him daily and then still expected his loyalty

Self obsessed diva...

I guess that's the only way to describe me these days

Once upon a time I was Karla from Cuba but my voice made me currency and my parents were so poor they had no option but to sell me to my record label to survive and in turn I had to become Camila Cabello, to place the protective armour of her ego all around me to protect me and help me to survive

Camila Cabello, self obsessed diva, I guess that's all I will ever be now

*please comment and vote and check out my new mini book The Passenger as well as my completed mini book Fades To Black

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