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Apparently a girl could want a lot more.

Like a new wardrobe.

I have dinner with the Reeds this evening and like any other girl, I'm on the verge of not going because I can't find a single thing appropriate to wear.

Problem is, I can't call to cancel. Plus, I know it would be extremely rude to cancel a few hours before hand. I know I should be thankful for what I have but right now, I'm just going to sit on my amazing bed and contemplate my whole life.

Because not having the perfect outfit will cause you to do that.

Twenty minutes later I decide that I've done enough sulking to last me a while. So I get up and I dig through what little I have hanging in my closet and piece together something that will just have to do.

I jump in the shower to wash away the dirt that yesterday left, physically and mentally. Opening up just a little bit about my past to the guys, brings up emotions I don't like having. I know that I'll never be able to forget about my past but I wish sometimes that I could. I'd wish on a billion stars and blow out all the candles if it were that easy to wish for something to come true.

Like having a new life.

Parents who are alive.

Better circumstances.

Being a college graduate.

It's all wishful thinking.

I shake my head to rid the thoughts that are slowly consuming my mind, causing me to drown in my own self pity.

Not today, Gabriella, not today.

I wrap a towel around me as I step out of the shower. I stand and look in the mirror, it isn't even fogged because my water is barely even warm.

But, at least I'm clean.

After combing through my hair and with the towel still wrapped around me, I go back to the bed and stretch out. It's so nice, I could literally fall asleep right now.

And that's exactly what I done.

I jolt awake and I'm a little disoriented because of the state I'm in.

Naked, oops.

The towel is spread out underneath me and I'm sprawled out like a starfish. That was a nice nap, totally worth it. But before I can think of anything else, the Reeds flash across my mind.

Oh shit. What time is it?

I look over at the clock, it's almost five. I still have plenty of time. Mrs. Reed said dinner was at seven tonight. I stand up and stretch and walk to my closet to slip on the clothes I had picked out. Which consists of a pair of blue jeans, black flats, and my lilac colored sweater.

The one I let Alexander borrow to use as a pillow.

I just leave my hair down in its natural waves and apply a small amount of mascara and some lip balm. Once I'm okay with how I look, I see the clock reads six twenty two. I rush to grab my bag and as I walk out, I lock the door behind me.

Walking to my neighbors apartment, I feel my nerves starting to get the best of me. My neighbor, Gladys, kindly allows me to use her phone to call for a cab. After thanking her, I walk down the stairs and wait.

The cab ride to the Reed's house seemed to have passed by in a blur, I barely remember paying for the ride. My mind is in a whirlwind as I step up to the big mahogany door. Did I call this place a house? Because I meant castle. On their own accord, my fingers begin to trace the big R that is carved into the wood. "What are you doing?" I jump at the sound of his voice.

"I'm sorry, it's beautiful." I say pointing to door. Alexander rolls his eyes at me.

"I meant here. What are you doing here? Are you stalking me, now? Just because I done something for you doesn't mean I want more." I step aside as Alex walks up to the door.

"Well, I'm sure as soon as we have dinner you'll find out why I'm here. And as far as the other thing goes, I'm glad you don't want more because I have nothing more to give you." I turn around and press the doorbell and listen as a chime rings throughout the home.

"Wait, Gabriella. I didn't mean-" before Alex can finish his words, the heavy wooden door opens and a petite woman stands beside it. She waves us in and I walk inside.

The inside is just as beautiful as the outside. I would expect nothing less, Mrs. Reed herself is stunning. I couldn't imagine her home looking like anything other than this. Speaking of, "hello Gabriella." Rose Reed smiles at me as she reaches to shake my hand.

"How do you know Gabriella, mother? And she prefers it if you call her Bri." Alexander speaks to his mother as though this isn't her home and I'm not allowed here.

"I'm sorry, Rose. I can leave. I don't want to cause any trouble between you and Alex." Her smile falters and I feel bad.

"Alex, will get over it, B. We're glad you're here." Jacob waves his hand between himself and Cade. "So you're staying."

I can't help the smile that stretches across my face. "Hi, J. Hi, Cade." I give them both a tight hug. Jacob pulls me along into what I'm assuming is the dining room. I look back at Alex and his mother to see them talking, well more like arguing.

As I turn back around to face the dining room, I see Cade and Jacob have already taken their seats and are talking about something. But, sitting at the head of the table is a man, who is staring straight through me.

He's a man who radiates authority. Someone who if I was younger or was alone with now, would be terrified of. He looks at me as though, I'm not worthy to be in his home. I can't take my eyes away from him, afraid if I do. He'll be angry, stand from the table and do anything he wants.

My body starts to shake and all I can think of is an escape. I need out of here. I see Jacob stand from the corner of my eyes. I feel his hands on my shoulders. "It's ok, B. Whatever you're thinking, it won't happen. You're not in your past. I'm here, and when I am with you, you're safe. Promise." J, whispers in my ear. My body finally begins to relax and I look back to see the man not even paying any attention to me.

It was probably all in my head.

I'm certified crazy.

PTSD is a bitch.

I follow Jacob over to where he was sitting beside Cade and he pulls out the chair and helps me sit. I'm now sandwiched between Jacob and Cade.


Rose and Alexander walk into the room. I glance up at them as Rose takes her seat next to her husband and Alexander just stands at the doorway, staring.

At me.

"Alexander, come sit please and we can get dinner served." He shakes his head at the sound of his mother's voice.

People walk in and plates are sat all over the table. I've never seen so much food on one table. Everyone's quiet as we fill our plates and begin to eat.


Oh boy, here we go.

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