The talk (chapter 2)

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Killers POV-
"A hoodie?", I asked out loud. I was not expecting something from Nightmare, nonetheless something I will enjoy! Either way I took off my old battered hoodie, it's memories still fresh in my mind, I threw it on the ground. Then I placed the new one on, it was an oversized hoodie that had a fluffy part in the hood. It also was a darker blue than my old one, it felt nice wearing something new. I took it off and then headed over to the closet, I looked it in earlier. I picked out a black turtleneck, and new shorts. I put my outfit together, and then headed to the throne room.

As I walked down the hallways I watched the castle staff run around doing chores and running errands. I noticed that their was quit a lot of them, Nightmare must be a tough opponent. I better get on his good side. If I was going to survive this prison, I would have to play it smart. When I first lost my emotions, I began to forget how to feel. How to express myself, the same goes for right know. As I look at the staff, with their worried faces, their anxiety up and above. Just waiting to explode. Why can't I feel like that? Why can't I feel? I shook my head, it's not time to be thinking of such things.

I stood in front of 2 huge dark wooden doors, it would take a lot of strength to open both. I nodded to one of the guards standing to the right of me, just by the door. The guard seemed surprised, he must be wondering why would someone willing go to a room where Nightmare is. The guard seemed to snapped out of his trance and finally opens the door for the me.

Once I entered my eyes wonder around the room. On the sides of the walls stood humongous windows, all were covers by drapes. There was a long dark red carpet leading up all the way through the middle of the room. On either side of this carpet stood guards, civilians, high ranked nobles, and even princesses and Princes. All seemed to be waiting for something or someone? In the middle of the far back wall stood a stack of stairs leading up to a throne, black and menacing looking. I looked up examining the walls and ceiling. The walls all shared the same dark red/dark purple color, and the ceiling had paintings. In the middle of the ceiling stood a tree one side holding black apples the other holding golden apples, and surrounding this tree were angles and demons. The demons on the black apple side, and the angles on the golden apple side. Suddenly I was broken out of my trance as a maid approached me. "What do you need?", I asked she seemed hesitant, but gained some confidence and talked me.

"Come, come! We must all lined up and wait.", suddenly the maids voice turned into a whisper. "Or he will get mad.", she waved her hands around.

"Calm down. I will get in line, thank you.", I responded no emotion protracted in my voice. She grabbed my hand leading me to my spot, I would cut off her hand right then and their, but decided against it. Getting in line, I saw I was standing to the right of a noble and left of a civilian. All the voices hushed as 2 knights made their way towards the doors. A group of men and women held up instruments some were trumpets, others drums, and even a piano could be seen.

3rd person POV-
Killer watched as the trumpet players all held up their instruments in unison. They started to play as the drummers came in, the beautiful sound mesmerize everyone in the room. The piano soft cords added a soft, but pleasant melody. 2 knights used all their strength to pry open the doors, revealing none other than king Nightmare.

The trumpets stoped, the drums as well, and the piano played its last few notes. The deafening silence enclosed the room, as the king walked along the carpet leading up to the throne. Once their Nightmare positioned himself into a comfortable, but still king like position. His back straight, chin held up high, his tentacles swayed around in a orderly fashion, and a crown perched perfectly on his head.
   "We shall begin", Nightmare announced his voice booming. Killer watched as one by one people came up to Nightmare, stating their business and then Nightmare would decide what to do. Killer was bored out of his mind! Inching his way up to the front, was taking forever. Unlike Nightmare, Killer has 0 patients. Mostly when it comes to waiting, this being the perfect example. Nightmare watched Killer from his throne, he could tell that Killer was growing restless. Nightmare decided to pick up the speed, he had many things he needed to do, he doesn't have all day.

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