First mission (chapert 3)

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Horror POV-
I was sleeping peacefully, until I heard a knock on my door. I groaned, I didn't want to wake up! Then I heard another knock and then another. I sighed and rolled off my bed, I crawled to the door and got up. I opened the door revealing Dust.

"Come on, your going to be late. It's already 7:40.", I panicked! I quickly thanked Dust and then rushed to get changed. I put on a white T-shirt, a dark maroon jacket, a pair of black shorts, red and white tennis shoes, and then I grabbed my axe and ran out of my room. I sped down the hallway and finally made it to the living room. It was 8:00 when I entered, just in time.

We were instructed to meet here and then we would go and eat breakfast. It has been a while since I could eat so much. Normally I would eat scraps of food, while I gave most of to my brother. But now I can eat as much as I want. Though I do feel guilty eating so much, others might need it more than I do. Suddenly a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

    "Horror how are you?", asked Killer I was stunned for a bit but shook my head and responded.

   "I'm good, how about you?", I ask Killer was quite and not very exciting. His face always was so emotionless, his voice so monotoned.

   "Neutral.", says Killer as he fixed his gaze on the door. As usual a boring answer. I wanted to know more about Killer, but every time I tried to ask something I always got a boring answer. I turned my attention towards Dust, unlike Killer Dust was exciting! Dust and I are friends, well I think we're friends. So I decided to talk to him.

"Hey Dust, I wanted to thank you again for waking me up!", I said facing Dust fully. Dust was sitting down on one of the couches, he looked extremely bored. I saw that Dust was wearing his normal hoodie, a pair of black shorts with a white stripe running down the side of it, a pair of black and white sneakers, and finally a red scarf around his neck. Probably his papyruses scarf. Dust always gave me chill vibes. Dust looked up to me, his hood covered his eyes a bit. I felt my face heat up a bit, but I didn't pay any attention to it.

   "Your welcome, it was nothing.", answers Dust his gruff voice sent shivers up my spine. Dust patted a spot next to him, indicating that he wanted me to sit next to him. I gladly took the invitation, I sat down. I turned my head in his direction and smiled wider, he gave me a soft smile in return.

   "When do you think we are going to eat breakfast?", asked Dust he turned his head towards the door. I looked where Dust was looking at and saw boss and Killer. Boss was sitting down on one of the chairs and was reading, while Killer was standing next to his chair. Sometimes Nightmare would talk to Killer and would show him something in his book. I cringed at the sight, love wasn't something I thought was necessary. I heard Dust chuckle beside me, I turned to look at him tilting my head in confusion. Dust seem to notice my confusion, Dust gave me a soft smile.

   "Them two are so obvious. Especially Nightmare.", Dust said I smiled, Dust was right they were both pretty obvious. Well more like Nightmare.

"You know I'm betting that Killer is innocent!", I said I've had a hunch since I first met Killer. Dust smirked beside me, he looked at me and nodded.

   "Wanna test it?", asked Dust a glimpse of mysterious nature in his eyes. I nodded excited to see Killers reaction. Dust and I got up and made our way towards Killer and Nightmare. Nightmare seemed to notice us as he put his book down and stood up a bit straighter. Killer turned his attention to us as we finally made it.

   "Killer you wouldn't mind if we ask you a question, now would you?", asked Dust as he made his eyes look innocent. Killer tilted his head a bit before looking at Nightmare, in wish Nightmare returned with a nod.

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