Ball gowns and suits pt 1. (chapter 7) (Bonus! Head cannons!)

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Ships in this chapter- Nightkiller, Inkerror, and Horrordust.

2 months after the horrendous incident, everything was starting to back to normal. Nightmare apologized profoundly. It took some time, but eventually everyone trusted their king again. Servants we're as loyal as before, and king Nightmare was relieved. After witnessing that they weren't strong enough, The Murder Time trio trained every day, and eventually they started to show immense progress.

Dust was able to summon hundreds of thousands of ghaster blasters, when he was at his full potential. Also he has more control over them and can do some really cool tricks! His stamina grew and now he could go for hours blasting them.

Horror now could throw his axe with deadly accuracy. As well as perform difficult moves and actions while wielding it. He could run, jump, and even swim with his axe in hand. He practically slept with it!

Killer, became more sneaky. Traveling in the shadows, killing in quite. He learned the skills of seduction and the tricks of the deadly. His knife throwing skills were outstanding! Killer also worked on his ghaster blaster, and eventually got the hang of it! 

Nightmare was proud of the 3. He didn't show it, but small gestures made the 3 realize he in fact was! Sometimes he gave Dust a fatherly look and would pat him on the shoulder, if he did something right. He would buy Horror some food when he accomplished a goal. And for Killer, he would give him a hug or a pat on the head.

Dust and Horror are close, very close. Their relationship lies in the comfort of each other. They cuddle and talk about nonsense. Killer sometimes would join the two of them in conversation, but wouldn't go to far. He knew that the other two had something special, and he didn't want to destroy that.

The castle was currently hectic with parts of the castle being repaired, maids and butlers trying to do their daily cleaning, Nightmare tending to villagers needs and concerns, and the Murder Time trio running errands for several people.

Everyone was working hard, putting themselves aside and working for the better of others. Why was everyone working so hard? Well a ball was to happen! Not only that, but 2 of the most famous figures in the multiverse will attend! Error and Ink.

After much deliberation, Nightmare allowed Ink to attend. Recently Error and Ink started dating. Yes. Dating. Everyone was surprised when they heard the news. It had been revealed that Error had a crush on Ink for a while, he found Inks courage, and his will power to keep going, attractive. Ink in reality did not like Error at first, but the more time he spent with him, the greater his feelings grew.

Nightmare and Error have a history with each other. One that contains blowing up cities, and murdering people. Two best friends. So when Nightmare heard the news he was, to say the least, surprised. Though he was proud of his friend, he knew it would be selfish putting his personal matters into their relationship. So he let it be.

Even if Nightmare was negativity, he knew that keeping a steady relationship with others was important. Error was no exception. And so he let Ink come.

The ball was a celebration, a celebration towards the rebuilding of the castle and trust. It represented the relief that the kingdom lives on! Everyone was invited, even ordinary folks. And with the that, towns were bustling trying to get ready for the big night.


3rd person POV-

                     "Nightmare everyone will be expecting you to bring someo-", Ccino immediately stoped talking when Nightmare raised his hand. Ccino sighed, he knew it was hopeless. However many times he tried to convince Nightmare to bring a date to a ball, he always refuses. Normally Ccino would stop after a few attempts, but the problem is that this ball will be the biggest one yet! And so everyone will be excepting Nightmare to bring someone. After a few more try's, Nightmare snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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