"Fix me" (chapter 5)

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Trigger warning!!!- suicidal thoughts and actions, pain and gore

Read at your own risk! Please be careful

3rd Person POV-

Killer woke up slowly, he fluttered his eyes opened. He quickly shut them again, a bright stream of light had hit his eyes. The suns rays streamed out of his window. The curtains were pulled back, letting the suns rays in. Killer turned on on his side, facing away from the window. He let out a groan and slowly stood up from his bed. He made his way towards the bathroom, he felt dirty. Killer wanted to take a shower.

And so that's what he did. He turned the knob letting the water run down. He slowly got in the shower, immediately he jumped out as the cold water hit bones. He waited a few seconds and checked the temperature of the water. It was hot, just the way he liked it. The hot sting water hit his bones, melting away all the stress and pain. He scrubbed away his worries with foamy soap. The steam enveloped his surroundings, making it seem like their was nothing in front of him.

Then he felt his head rise in temperature, his eyes felt droopy. He was overheating, Killer overheats easily and he doesn't now why. He felt a bit dizzy, but that always happens when he overheats. And so he turned to the knob and turned it to the coldest setting. The cold water stung his bones sending waves of shivers down his back. Killer has been told several times to not do that. But it's the only thing that will stop it, other than medicine. But Killer has never been able to afford that.

Killer felt the heat from his head disappear, he sighed in content. He quickly got out of the shower wrapping the towel around his waist, making his way out of his bathroom. He chose some clothe from his closet and put them on. It was a simple outfit, but that just made it even better.

Killer chose a a black tee that was stuffed into his pants, which were a light shad of ecru. They fit his waist, but we're baggy at the bottom. Killer rolled the ends of his pants up. In his waist was a black simple belt. He had white mid rise socks, and to top it all off some black high top Convers. His form and curves complimented the style. Killer was satisfied, but quickly realized that he was missing his jacket. He hurriedly put on his jacket and rushed out of his room.

Killer fast walked down the hallway, he had 20 minutes to be there. Well it was the chosen time for the Murder Time Trio to be at the extra living room at 8:00. But Nightmare has told him to meet him there 20-19 minutes early. This was done so they could talk more, well it was more of Nightmare ordering Killer to show up early. And so that's what Killer did.

"Hello boss, how may I assist you today?", asked Killer, he turned his whole body towards Nightmare. Nightmare was sitting down on an armchair. He was reading a book, a horror book. Nightmares favorite genre after romance of course, but he doesn't tell anyone that. Nightmare turned his attention towards Killer, setting his book down on the small table next to him.

"Good morning Killer. Today we are going on a mission, me and you only. While Dust and Horror will be retrieving something extremely important for me from an au called Dreamtale. We have a meeting at 3:00 and then I want you to meet someone.", answers Nightmare picking up his book again. Killer nodded and stood by Nightmares side.

Dust and Horror entered together after 15 minutes had passed. Nightmare and Killer greeted them both with a simple "good morning". Then Nightmare informed them that there is a meeting at 3:00. And so Dust and Horror sat down on one of the couches and started to talk.


Nightmares POV-

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