Perfection and Peace (chapter 6)

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Trigger warning- self hate, sad nightmare, Blood and gore, swearing

Please be careful! Read at your own risk!

Also underline means flash back

3rd person POV-

Three weeks have passed since Killers attack. Nightmare has been keeping a close eye on Killer, always checking his stats, always asking if he's ok, and making sure that he gets enough sleep and food. Killer doesn't mind the attention, and with how much time they have spent, they have bonded. They learn more and more about each other, their problems, their insecurities, and their secrets. And with that comes friendship, and trust

Nightmare with this new relationship with killer, is secretly afraid, afraid of losing Killer.

It reminds him of losing ]'£•€


Dust and Horror both noted the weird and somewhat protective nature Nightmare has when it comes to Killer. To them both it's not a secret that Killer is Nightmares favorite, they both don't care. But recently both of them have seen Nightmare and Killer together ALL THE TIME! Dust would come up with his crazy conspiracy's, while Horror just liked to observe them both. Both having different opinions on the matter.

To killer it was all normal, Papyrus would always be on him, asking if he's ok, or if he needed more spaghetti! But Killer never told Papyrus his problems, or anyone that is. Not until Nightmare came into the picture. Nightmare was his savior, his hero. He saved him from a fallen land and an "friend" who used him. Nightmare to Killer was perfect.

But to Nightmare, he believes that he himself, is not good enough. He couldn't stand up for himself when he was younger, he couldn't stop his brother from worrying about him, he could never do something right. He couldn't stop those damn bullies.

Killers POV-

      "Killer, eat.", demanded Nightmare, his voice as cold as I remember. Always holding that edge of hostility and danger.  But recently it has began to lose its confidence, it wavers a bit. Nevertheless, I nodded my head and started to eat.

The food tasted amazing, but it's lost its magic. It doesn't bring me joy anymore, the flavors don't surprise me anymore. But that doesn't mean I DON'T want to eat, I just don't want to eat this food.

I took a bite of broccoli and forced it down my throat. One piece after another one. I felt a harsh gaze drill into the side of my face, as I turn to meet the gaze back, I am met with Nightmares eye. Normally Nightmare would hold his stare, proud and confident. But this time he turned away.

I felt my eyes widen and my mouth opened slightly. It would be an understatement if I said I was surprised. Nightmare was ALWAYS demanding and bossy, surefooted and powerful. I turned my gaze back to my food, my eyes still wide.

What was wrong with Nightmare? Why has he been so silent? Is he sad? No. He couldn't be, he was Nightmare. The king of negativity! An all mighty king, who ruled with an iron fist. So why was he acting so weird? My mind raced with thoughts as I forced myself to eat.

I quickly finished my meal, waiting for the others. It was a rule, that none of them could get out of our seats before everyone was finished. So I sat their waiting for Dust to finish eating, he was the slowest eater out of the four of us. Horror was obviously the fastest, I swear he doesn't even shew!

When Dust finally finished I headed off to finish my training. Horror and Dust right at my tail, Nightmare has created all of us separate training plans. They focused on what we need to improve and spaced it out in separate time stamps to insure full potential. It was quite brilliant, and we have been improving in a steady rate.

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