Bonding (chapter 4)

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3rd person POV-

Nightmare stood in his office facing a grand mirror, its view was fantastic. A great town could be seen, surrounding it a great forest, and then a Great Wall. Surrounding the castle was another wall, being in the castle was the safest place in the kingdom. Being outside the 2nd wall was certain death, unless you could handle yourself. Suddenly a knock could be heard, this snapped Nightmare out of his thoughts.

  "Come in", said Nightmare as he sat down once again. Ccino entered he was Nightmares secretary, he handled all of the scheduling.

"What brings you here?", asked Nightmare he was currently writing something down. Ccino smiled softly, "he never changes",thought Ccino. Nightmare and him we're pretty close.

"I wanted to inform you that today you have nothing planned. I'm surprised, I've doubled check everything and you have nothing. Well except for lunch and dinner, but today is a perfect opportunity to take it easy.", Ccino smiled as Nightmare eyes widen in surprise.

    "Are you sure?", Nightmare was skeptical that this wasn't true and there must be something he needed to do!

   "I'm sure your highness. Please just go take a rest, you've been working so much these past few weeks!", Ccino smiled softly at him and nodded. Nightmare stood up from his chair and returned his smile.

   "Thanks 'mom'", said Nightmare as he rolled his eyes playfully. Ccino's eyes widen and he playfully smacked Nightmares shoulder. Ccino let out a small giggle.

    "Go take a rest buddy. You deserve it.", said Ccino as he walks out of Nightmares office. Even though Nightmare has bad intentions he has built a working city and has given several monsters and humans a second chance. And for this Ccino thanks him, even though he knows that Nightmare keeps him close for negativity, he can't help but care for him.

Nightmares POV-

I watched as Ccino walked out of my office, he shut the door behind him. I smiled to myself, "I have the whole day off", I thought. I quickly walked out of my office, locking it and then striding my way towards my room. I stoped suddenly when I walked passed killers room, it was 10:37, he must be training.

I continued my way and eventually made it. I walked in, locking the door behind me. I sighed and smiled in content, the silence around me, engulfed me. It's calm nature calmed my ever racing mind and I wasn't complaining. I kicked off my boots, unbutton my purple vest, my white undershirt remaining. I took off my belt, and placed all of my clothes on my nightstand and hopped on my bed. I set my head down on the silk pillows, my eyes slowly closed and I let sleep take me.

Killers POV-

I panted as I threw another knife at the demo dummy, but it quickly dogged. It sent a array of weapons towards me, though it was to slow as I appeared right before it, I summoned a knife. I stabbed it right though it's head and then stabbed it's "heart", or power source. I saw the demo dummy fall to the ground with a thump, and I quickly stabbed it one more time. I then stood off and brushed off the dust that had gotten on my jacket. I heard some clapping behind, so I turn around and see Horror clapping for me. He smiled at me and quickly made his way towards me.

    "That was amazing Killer! Good job!", Horror said to me. He put his hand on my shoulder and then gave me a large smile.

      "Thank you.", I put my hand on his shoulder and returned the smile. He seemed to smile wider and he quickly pulled away and went off to finish his training. I turned my attention back to the robot dummy's. Several of them stood in a straight, horizontal line, all ready to be turned on. I then turned two of them on, I probably have time for a few more battles.

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