Chapter 7

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A/N: hello, i'm not dead yet :D sorry i haven't updated for quite awhile, personal reasons mostly.

Also i just finished flowers from 1970 (I recommend) And i have not recovered mentally yet ;-;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd pov:

Tommy woke up at around 9AM. Even though he only got a few hours of sleep, it's the best sleep he had got in weeks. Editing and streaming had messed up his sleep schedule badly, way beyond repair.

He got out of bed, and went to the shared bathroom. He brushed his teeth, and took a quick bath. Wilbur walked in when he was combing his hair.

"didn't know tommyinnit cared so much about his hair!" He said with a slight chuckle. "Shut up." Tommy said, trying to sound pissed. That only made Wilbur laugh more.

"Techno is making breakfast. I'm honestly surprised the blade can cook!" Tommy laughed, until he realized he had to eat something. "erm, i'm not that hungry. I ate something yesterday night just before you came in." Tommy managed to lie.

Wilbur tilted his head slightly, making a skeptical expression. "Tommy you have to eat something." Was all Wilbur said before he left the bathroom.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tommy pov:

"Tommy you have to eat something."


i need to think of a plan B now. Ok, i'll eat as fast as possible so my stomach doesn't have time to deny it, and then i rush to the bathroom to throw it up. Perfect.

When i was finished i over to the kitchen, almost slipping on the way. "careful there, Theseus." Techno said, making everyone laugh. I really enjoyed these moments, those moments where i can make people happy, people smile, were the best. But i'm more of a pest than a friend. I make more people angry than people happy.

Techno had made scrambled eggs and bacon. "Fricking americans." i mumbled, while i almost ate up all my food in one go. "Wow, you had a real change of appetite!" Wilbur said, almost too innocently. I ignored that remark and said "i'm going to the bathroom." While i was walking the the bathroom, i could feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I instantly knew it was wilbur. I made a mental note to clear myself of suspicion

I went to the bathroom, and puked almost everything i ate, up. I know that this is definetly not healthy in any way, but why make the effort to stop when your life is already meaningless? Wilbur had problably caught on that i wasn't feeling the best, but i do not want him to worry about

That's why i need them not to focus on me, for them to think i'm okay, Even if it's not true.

They need to think everythings fine. That i am okay. I am okay. I am...

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Next chapter) "What has gotten into you!?" the boy flinched at my sudden yelling, but it can't be helped. "i'm... sorry."


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