Chapter 30 - Protective Boyfriend

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Jack's POV

I woke up from being moved a little by Crutchie. I backed up from him a little to see if he was awake, but he wasn't. His eyebrows were furrowed and his breathing was heavy as tears streamed down his face, breaking my heart. I moved him a little to try and wake him up, but it didn't work. He stirred a bit more, seeming more upset.

"Crutchie, hey," I whispered, moving him a little more. He stayed asleep still, so I pushed him more, trying to be delicate. "Wake up," I spoke louder now, hoping it would help. He finally woke up, gasping from fear. He moved back from me, shaking and bawling now. I sat up and moved closer to him, but didn't touch him. "Hey hey hey, it's me."

"I..." Was all he got out. His eyes were wide and he was staring at the floor, holding himself. 

"Look at me," I said, but he kept his gaze down. I laid my hand on his knee, but this caused him to flinch and move back farther, his back hitting the railing hard. "You're okay!" I said, moving closer again but not touching him.

"No," he said, finally looking me in the eyes. I smiled at him, unsure of what to do.

"You're safe, okay?" I said, but he shook his head. 

"No I'm not," he whimpered back, his gaze locking back on the ground.

"You are, I promise. You just had a bad dream, okay?" He looked at me again, still shaking, but his tears lessening. "Come here," I said, putting my arms out. I didn't move toward him, however, not wanting to scare him. He hesitated for a moment before letting me hold him, as he rested his head against my chest and silently shook.

We sat in silence for a real long time as I held him, rubbing his back gently. I could feel that he was finally calming down, and I continued to sit with him, willing to stay there for hours if that was what he needed.

"Sorry," he finally said, looking up at me.

"There's nothing to be sorry for." I smiled at him, and he looked away toward the skyline.

"I just feel annoying," he spoke quietly, twiddling his thumbs.

"You aren't. I promise." He looked up at me again and gave me a weak smile, sighing.

"We should get ready. The bell will ring soon." He got up off of me now, brushing his hair back.

"I think you should stay home today-"

"No!" He yelled, catching me off guard. "Sorry-  I just..." He looked down, his voice shaking. "I don't want to be alone. Please." He kept his eyes on the ground and I grabbed his clothes, setting them next to him gently. 

"Okay. You can come with me today." He looked up at me and smiled, looking tired.

"Thank you," he said, beginning to change.

"No need to thank me. I'll do anything for you to feel safe." I smiled at him, changing my clothes as well.

We started toward the square in silence, and my mind was racing. I was thinking of a million different questions, knowing I couldn't ask Crutchie most of them. Finally I turned to him, seeing how disheveled he looked.

"What does he look like?" I asked, and Crutchie stopped walking, looking around in a panic.

"Be quiet!" He said, looking back at me.

"He's not here, he doesn't know where we live-"

"Yes he does." He cut me off, and I felt my stomach turn. 

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