Chapter 11

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///((((: Eric's POV :))))\\\

Cam and KJ went with Matt, and I couldn't help but be curious about what they were talking about. Maybe it was about the prank or something that just wasn't any of my business.

"So Eric, how you doin this fine evening" Ryan said, giving me a cheeky smile.

"Fine, what makes you ask." I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Just curious, seemed a little down from where I'm sitting." He bit down on some food he had and looked at his phone

He wasn't even sitting a few feet away from me, and I'm almost positive that I don't look down or whatever he said. Probably just tried.

"Alright then," I patted my pockets "hey Mason have you seen my lighter" I looked at him and he was just about to light a joint, with my lighter.

"Nope haven't seen it." He said lighting the joint. "Maybe it's still in your pocket."

He put the hand with the lighter into my hoodie pocket and pulled it back out again, holding the lighter in his hand.

"See there it is" he smile at me.

I took it from him. "Thanks Asshat"

I lit my own joint and took a few drags, holding it in for a second then blowing it out into mason face, making him cough and gag at the same time. I wasn't sure why he started gagging, but I just chose to laugh at him.

"Heads!" someone yelled amongst the group.

I looked up and suddenly a plastic bottle smacked me right in the face. I grabbed the bottle and threw it in the direction it came from, hitting Chad on the side of the head.

I and Mason laughed at Chad's sudden confusion at how something hit him, yelling out that we are all cunts and that he hates us. I finished my joint and grabbed a beer from the bag beside Sam, and started up a stupid conversation with Ryan, hoping I'd confuse him with whatever I decide to spew out.

I finished my beer, I put it down by Mason and got up. I needed to talk to Cam about something before I got back to the house shit-faced and completely unaware of all thoughts in my mind.

i began walking towards them, Matt seeing me and suddenly looked panicked. One of them must have said something because both Cam and Matt said "what" in unison. Cam turned towards KJ and cupped his face, leaning down and, I stopped in my tracks.

He kissed him.

i did tell u that this chapter was going to be short, also I'm starting a few drafts for a oneshots book, and would like to know if any one would like to read it, if you do let me know, if not than whatever


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