Chapter Three

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I and Swagger had entered the kitchen and instantly gone to the pizza that Zuckles was already eating at the table in the dining room.
Swagger took 4 pieces of meatlovers classic and joined Zuckles at the table. I acted like I couldn't decide whether I wanted meatlovers or extreme canadian pizza, but I was really thinking about John, and what was up with him.
He had pinned my hands just by my shoulders and sat on my waist so I couldn't squirm away.
Yelled at him to get off me, but all he did was give me a cocky smile and said "I don't want to". The moment he finished saying that, he leaned down and began lightly sucking on the side of my neck, but then went from light sucking to very hard sucking. I tried to get away from him but that had failed very badly.
Next thing I know I'm yelling at the door, begging for who ever was behind it to come in and help me. When the door opened it was Swagger, who I could tell was not even slightly ok with what was happening.
"Ya comin Fitz" Zuckles said from the table.
I looked up from the pizza boxes and just decided that I was going to have 2 pieces of both.
When I sat down Zuckles looked up at me as he took a bite of his last piece, then he looked Swagger then back at me.
He swallowed, " So Swagger told me about what happened with John." He looked at Swagger, who was now paying attention. "I don't think that he should be here, ya know, if he doing stuff like that." He furrowed his brow when he looked at me.
"But the problem is, is that he has been giving me signs that he likes me ever since you left." I pointed at Swagger.
"Are you trying to say that me leaving is what caused him to start liking you differently or something?" He said with a mouth full of pizza.
"No, I just think that maybe he thought that.... ok ya that's what I think." I smiled pathetically, but Swagger wasn't understanding what I was saying properly.
Zuckles tapped me on the shoulder, I looked at him, he moved his one finger back and forth quickly, signaling for me to come closer to him so he could tell me something.
"Look who just entered the kitchen." He whispered in my ear, he did the same thing to Swagger and all at once we looked into the kitchen.
John was standing at the fridge, probably looking for something to drink. He closed the fridge, grabbed a plate and put 3 pieces of extreme Canadian pizza on it.
He looked up at me and winked, then turned around and left the kitchen and into the living room.
When I looked back at the other 2, Swagger was standing up and going towards the living room.
I was about to get up when Zuckles grabbed my arm and pulled back down into my seat, when I looked at him he shook his head, then went back to finishing his pizza.
I went back to eating mine and when I was finished, I decided that I was going to have a few more pieces of pizza.
Zuckles also got more pizza and while we were eating he kept on making weird faces at me, which made me almost choke on my food a few times.
When we both were about half way finished, I heard yelling coming from the living room, which was making me concerned for Swagger. What is going on in there? I thought to myself.
"Ya i here it to"
"I want to see what's happening" "Dude just stay here, it'll all be fi-" a loud crash came from the living room, followed by a loud grunt.
"How about now-" Zuckles got up and walked quickly towards the living room, I followed behind him.
When we got into the living room, Swagger was leaning against the wall clutching his forehead with his left hand, blood streaming down the left side of his face.
John was standing about 2 metres away from Swagger, holding a broken glass bottle in his right hand, he looked at me and instantly dropped the bottle on the ground.
"What the fuckin hell happened?" Zuckles yelled.
"Nothing just go back into the dinning room." Swagger said, still looking at John.
"Swagger, your head-" I was cut of by Swagger giving me a look of pure rage.
"LEAVE" Swagger snarled.
Zuckles slowly back away but I held my ground.
I walked up to Swagger, took of my hoodie, moved his hand and applied the hoodie to with one hand on sed hoodie and the other the back of his head to stop the bleeding.
I gave him a loving look. "Not until your ok." He just looked up at me in pure wonder and aw.
"Why does Swagger get all your love and I don't." John yelled behind me.
"Cause he doesn't try to kill his friends with a broken bottle" I said, not looking away from Swagger.
"He's the one who came at me" John yelled.
I looked over my shoulder at John and gave him a stern look. "Than why did you hit him with the broken bottle."
"I took it from him and tried to get him to stop trying to hurt me with it but ended up hitting him with it. I didn't mean to do that to him." He yelled.
I looked to my right and saw Zuckles walking towards us with the first aid kit, he opened it and took out the bandages and gaws.
"Let's get you cleaned up, cmon we'll go to the bathroom." I told Swagger and Zuckles.
"I'll meat you guys there, gonna get the tap running cold water." Zuckles told I and Swagger, then went to the first floor bathroom.
"Why does everyone always only pay attention to that FAGGOT and not me, I deserve Fitz's Love not YOU, I deserve a room across the hall from him not YOU, YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING BUT TO BE THROWN INTO-" "SHUT YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH." I yelled at John. He had gone to far and that was unacceptable in the Misfits Manor.
I put my arm around Swagger and lead him to the bathroom, completely ignoring John.
Once he was inside with Zuckles, I locked the door and went back out to the living room. John was gone, but I had a pretty good idea where he went.
I walked up the stairs and turned into the hallway, walking towards Johns room.
When I entered the room, he wasn't there so I sat down in his desk chair and waited like 2 minutes for him to come back to the room.
He entered the room seeming very surprised by my presence. He looked down at the floor and walked over to his window and pretended that I wasn't there.
I stood up and walked up behind him, he was on his phone typing some ones phone number into the keypad. Before he could hit dial I grabbed his phone and threw it onto his bed.
"Hey what are you doing?" He said turning around to face me, even though he had to look up at me.
"What are you doing?" I growled at him. "What the hell were you thinking, did you even remotely think about what you were doing-" he was trying to walk backwards towards his phone, I grabbed his shoulders and shoved him against the wall beside the window "-what you were saying. Swagger trusted you mate, and you hit in the fore head with a glass bottle." I was suddenly overcome with emotions that were mixed into rage, sadness and disappointment.
I Was Feeling What He Was Feeling.


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