Chapter 4

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Fitz looked down at me, pure disappointment burning his eyes, but anger was displayed on his face.
He had me against the wall next to the window. He was mostly likely going to punch me in the gut or something.

"Huh, look John. We can't have you here if your going to do that, and we won't alow your sexual behaviour towards me. It just doesn't make anyone comfortable, espically not me, so could you just stop trying to do that and go back to being my best friend." He looked me in the eye, he rejected how I felt about him, and it was all because Swagger was here now. It was all his fault, if he had just stayed away for a few more months I and Fitz would be together and known if this shit would have happened.

He sighed and put his forehead on the top of my head, moving so that I had a little more space. He opened his eyes and looked at me, his sad brown eyes melting my heart. "Please John, promise me that this won't happen again" this time in his voice had completely changed from angry to sad and but just barely hopeful.
I sighed a disappointed sigh and looked at his feet, that were almost touching mine. "I promise, it won't happen again." He pulled me into a hug, I rapped my arms around him and put my head into his chest.

He leaned down and whispered thank you into my ear. When I tried to let go of him so he could leave, he just tightened his grip around me and told me to stay for a while. To enjoy it.

The feeling of having him this close, the feeling of his body against mine was amazing, our body heat transferring from one another was weirdly calming.

>{ Fitz }<

John wasn't really bothered by the fact that I actually wanted him close to me, but only for a hug.

He pushed away and looked up at me, a tear rolling down his face. He quickly looked down but I gently lifted his chin and wiped away the tears with my thumbs.

I gave a a quick littler hug before I left,  the moment I got to the stairs I remembered Swagger and his literally bloody face.

I ran downstairs and up to the bathroom door, unlocked it and opened it. Swagger was sitting on the toilet seat, holding my hoodie against his forehead.

He looked a up at me, I saw that he was crying and instantly went over and comforted him, holding him close while Zuckles took of the hoodie and started wiping the huge gash that went from the top of his head, to just barely past his eyebrow with a cold wet clothe.

Swagger shuddered every time the clothe touched him, but other than that he was reacting to the situation very well. As we were sitting there, I started over thinking it all.

What if he has a price of glass stuck in his head.
What if he has a concussion.
What if he has both and is going to die in his sleep if we don't help him fast enough.

Swagger grabbed my hand when the rubbing alcohol was applied ever so gently the gash, that's when he began to cry again. I pulled him closer to me, hoping that it would help him feel better.

Once we got him bandaged up, I took him up to his room so he could sleep if some of the pain.

He didn't bother to change and just crawled into his bed as I closed the blinds on the windows so it was nice and dark while he slept.

I heard a sniffle and looked at the small man curled up into a ball under his blankets. I went over to the side of the bed that he was on and crouched so I could see him, face to face.

He sniffled. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with me and John being raging cunts." He looked down at the floor in between us.

I took his hands in mine. "I just want to know if you'll be ok on your own." Anything less than a yes coming from him, tells me that I would have to stay with him.

"I think I'll be ok." He smiled at me.

"Move over"

He hesitated. "W-what!"

"Move over"

"But fitz-"

"I'm not going anywhere until your ok, whether you like it or not" I smiled carlingly.

He stared at me. I sighed, moved the blankets, picked him up bridal stile, and sat down in the bed with him beside me.

I grabbed the covers and pulled them over our selves. He seemed a little nervous so I grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him against me, so his head and one hand were resting on my chest.

"Comfy" I asked him.

He snuggled in closer to me, embracing  the fact that I wasn't leaving any time soon.

"Mhmm~☺️" he replied and smiled, closing his eyes, I put a hand on the one he had on my chest and used the other to stroke his short chocolate brown hair.

After a while I became sleepy myself and decided that I would pull the covers further over us so they were just over his shoulders and go to sleep, with a nice smile on both our faces.😌

Ddddaaaaawww, I think I died of happiness a little while making this FLUFF RIGHT HERE.
I love this so much!!!!!!!💗🏳️‍🌈💗🏳️‍🌈💗🏳️‍🌈💗🏳️‍🌈💗🏳️‍🌈☺️😌

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