Chapter 18

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How dare they leave without my consent!! When I find them, I'll make sure they never see again or even walk! I also can't believe my Rinny went with that dumbass Playboy and his cute little shota cousin! I'm going to beat them to the inch of their lives!

"C-Calm down, Miku," Kaito tried soothing me.

I glared at him. If looks can kill, he would have melted already infront of me. Kaito cowered next to Gackupo while Gumi and Luka sweatdropped. I tried calling them again but I keep on hearing Rin's voice mail. Ugh! This is so troublesome. Those three better prepare themselves. Make that two, I can't hurt my Rinny, she is too cute to be killed.

"Miku, calm down, if you do we can have later tonight," Kaito whispered seductively-How did he even come near me?-. I felt my cheeks go red at the 'fun' things Kaito mentioned. Obediently, I let my self relax.

He gets plus points from me. Damn, I feel horny all of a sudden.

I smacked him playfully, discreetly winking at him. At the corner of my eyes, I saw Luka giggle. I shoot her a look and turned away. I know she's still laughing behind my back, I could feel it.

"Anyhow!" I coughed, my cheeks still red. "We have to find those three and I say, we split into groups. Me, Kaito and Gumi while Gakupo and Luka. Let's all meet back here in 2 hours, understood?"

Several nods and one reluctant one. We all set of to look for the three. Gakupo and Luka better find them before I do, because a murder will happen if I did.



I couldn't help but laugh at how 'discreet' Miku and Kaito were flirting with one another, but I can't calm down my rapidly beating heart. I stayed away from Gackupo a few feet away. I'm still awkward around him, I'm flattered that he asked me out but he could have asked on a much better time than that. I was so worried about him and yet he couldn't careless about his injury, so without even thinking, I yelled at him. I know it was stupid of me to do that, but I can't help it alright? My anger and worry clouded my mind before I could even stop what I was going to say.

"Um, hey, Luka? Can you listen to me on what I am about to say?"

I jumped, my attention snapping back to reality. I turned to look at Gakupo with conflicting eyes but nonetheless I still nodded. Gakupo whirled around to fully face me, his big hands taking me by the shoulders. I flinched but didn't remove his hands away. I waitedfor him to speak, but the longer he didn't, the slower the time passes by. I waited for agonizing minutes for him to speak and just when I was already fed up, I heard him take a sharp intake of breath. When he exhaled, it was a shaky one.

"Ah dammit! I don't know how to word this but Luka...shit, I'm too nervous. I must look stupid right?" he laughed, a sad forced laugh.

"You always look stupid..." I mumbled but I knew he still heard me.

He gave another forced laugh that painedand irritated me at the same time. I hate hearing him like this and to see him this emotional. I am used to the old cheerful Gakupo that this one. This Gakupo seems like a stranger to me, an alien.

And this was the thing that I feared the most that would happen.

"Why? Why are you like this?" I asked, my eyes downcast looking towards the pavement.

"What?" he asked.

It was foolish of me to think that he would understand my question. This idiot will always be an idiot, he'll always be my idiot. I shook my head, not ready to face him. However, it was much foolish of me to avoid him these past weeks. It was really stupid of me.

"Prove it," I finally told him

"Prove what?" Gakupo asked me, confusion audible in his voice.

"Prove it to me that you are worthy in dating me than anyone else."



I still can't believe I got myself into this kind of situation. The last thing I knew, I got dragged by these two into a bush. My dear ol' cousin keeps on taunting Miss. Rin that she has absolutely bad taste in men while his eyes aren't the usual playful blue while she keeps on giving goo-goo eyes on this black-haired fellow that just came out from the convenience store. He seems familiar though, I think I remember him from somewhere but then again, I do have really bad memory.

So, being my sunshine and flowers self, I asked Lenny who that person was.

"Ah, you mean him? He is the son of an old friend of the family. I do not see him and his sister that much, so I doubt he would even remember me. But, I don't want to see that prick anyway," Len said, hissing the last part of his sentence.

I made a thinking-kind of gesture and looked back and forth from Miss. Rin, Lenny, and that black-haired guy. But then, did my eyes decieve me or did I really see a hint of jealousy in Lenny's eyes?

I silently cackled. This will be the most interesting first day in this country ever. What's more, I would be able to watch what happens next everyday!

Lenny gave me a dubious look that I paid no heed to it. I was making my bets, I'm going to ask Auntie if she would also be willing to make bets. I placed my palms together and smiled mischievously. This will be fun, I can gurantee that!

"Oi, what the hell are you laughing about Ollie?"

That was Lenny. I gave him an innocent smile, shaking my head. I don't want to tell him so soon and spoil my fun. That would be so boring!

It's not all the time I could finally get a nice entertainment for me. Last time was when I watched this drama with Auntie and that made me cry eversince they cancelled the show. That was a good show too!

Anyway, getting back to the point, I'm making bets. If I assessed everything right, then in the end I'm going to get a crap ton of money and that would pay everything off with a date with my sweet girlfriend back in London. This had me thinking.

"Hey, Lenny, I will be your best man in your wedding right?" I told him, hopefully.

"What the hell are you talking about, Ollie? I'm not getting married!" Len yelled, his face turning a slight shade of pink.

I couldn't help but smirk at him. "Well, that's still in the future so no need to think of that yet, but I'm still going to be your best man."

I laughed, enjoying how Len kept on spluttering and denying. Ah, this will really be fun.


"I finally found you three idiots!"

I snickered when Lenny and Miss Rin slowly turned around like in horror movies and began to scream bloody murder. They scrambled away from Miku, screaming "she-devil!" and by the time I knew it, they were having a chase with one another. I kept laughing jovially, my sides hurting a little bit. From the corner of my eye, I saw- Gumi? Is that her name?, I wasn't really paying much attention- whip out her phone and dial a number.

I went near her, just as she finished talking.

"So! Gumi, right? Who were you talking too?" I asked cheekily.

I am so subtle, yeah.

She sighed, shaking her head. "This is so stressing, I'm too young for this. Oliver, correct? I just called my big brother and told him to come here. Since we did finally found you three and before Miku kills those two"

I looked at where she was looking at and silently agreed with her. I just hope Miku didn't damage Lenny's pretty face or else he won't get any girls anymore! I snorted and full-blown laughed. I am aware that Gumi was looking at me as if I had gone crazy. This day is really funny!

I'm totes going to tell Auntie about today and that black-haired golden eyed boy that caught Rin's attention. This will be a year to remember.

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