Chapter 10

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A/N: Today is my birthday, well technically its tomorrow but an early gift and birthday special.  The next thing I'll ask for you is to comment and vote please! Thanks. I also do not regret writing this...not at all! Anywho enjoy this chapter! 


Third persons POV

A blonde with her signature white ribbon was running down the hallways of Crypton Universities. Clutching music sheets tightly towards her chest, looking back every so often to check if some of the papers fell. While she was running, people began to whisper bad things about her. It wasn't much of a whisper if she hears it but she chose to ignore it and continue down the hall. She was late. He must be waiting for her. She ran until she arrived at the abandoned music room. Her breathing was heavy, taking a deep breath she composed herself and smoothed out her uniform. If it weren't for those girls-a.k.a bitches-she wouldn't have been late and she wouldn't have been dirty.

Taking another deep breath, gathering her courage, she slid the door open, plastering a fake smile on her face. She peered through and saw him -Len- playing the piano. It was a sad tune again, but much more sadder than before. She felt her heart ache in sadness, as she quietly sat down on one of the empty chairs in the room.

Rin continued to listen to the sad tune until it stopped. She opened her eyes to look infront, only to see him looking back at her. He was looking at her worriedly but she didn't know why.

"Are you okay?"

Okay? Why would he ask something like that?

He stood up from his seat, fishing out a handkerchief out of his pocket and slowly wiped her tears. She didn't even know she was already crying. It was a sad tune and she might have unconsciously cried. She took the handkerchief and wiped the remaining tears away. It was stupid. Stupid to even let him of all people to see her cry like that.

"Let's just finish the song" she said impatiently.

Len looked at her doubtfully before slowly going back to his earlier position on the piano. She should have never showed him her weakness.

Her heart was once again locked up by chains...


After finishing the tune for their song, they both went to a café to drink and have a snack before going home. There was silence between them, not awkward but a comfortable silence. It was only broken when she asked

"Did you notice that Luka kept avoiding Gackupo?"

He pondered for this for a while before nodding. He could remember vague details of Gackupo trying to talk to Luka but that time he wasn't paying attention. What caught his attention more was his grumbling stomach and food.

"I say we put our plan into action!"

He rose a perfectly good eyebrow-Rin swore he always pluck it out in the mornings "And how, per se, do we do that without being suspicious?"

She shrugged "I don't know. You're smart and I'm just an ordinary girl, so think of something"

An anime vein appeared on his forehead. He was seriously going to kill her but apparently that's against the law[sarcasm]

He sighed tiredly "You're hopeless. Why don't you ask Miku and Kaito for help? They would just love to play match maker"

Rin's features brightened considerably "That's a great idea! Why didn't I think of that before?"

Len snorted at her "You were too busy stuffing your face with the orange cake and the orange shake to even think properly, idiot"

This caused a full blown argument between them. The onlookers could only stare at them and think along the lines of

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