Chapter 11

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A/N: This chapter will still be in third person with occasional first person point of view. Now leggo!


Len groaned from his seat. Eversince his Mother came home, it became stressful and tiring. He wasn't able to be with any of his 'girlfriends' after school, fearing that his Mother would soon find out what he's been doing while she was gone. He slammed his head infront of his desk, sighing tiredly. He looked towards his side and saw Rin's soul coming out of her mouth. She must still be shocked from yesterday. He couldn't believe that another person met his cheerful and happy-go-lucky Mother. He felt embarassed, not because of his Mother, but somehow he just did.

Miku and Luka looked at their friends worriedly, wondering what on earth happened to them. They turned their gaze towards Len, but he only shook his head.

"I can't believe...that...that...your Mom dragged me to shopping and said something like that"

He heard Rin say. He could agree with that statement. It was so like his Mother to say something so blunt and misunderstanding.


"Oh silly me, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lily Kagamine, but you can call me Mamman! It's nice to finally meet you, Rin-chan"

Rin sat frozen next to me while I kept face palming. My face hurts after that. My mom had visible question marks hovering above her head as she kept smiling.

I nudged Rin with my foot  and that seemed to snap her out. She blushed in embarassement and I have to say, that made her cute.

"A-Ah...I'm sorry, I-It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Kaga-"

"Mamman, Call me Mamman" Lily interrupted her

"-Uh...It's nice to meet you too...Mamman" she whispered the last part.

She ducked her head and began fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She was embarrassed. She didn't knew Len's mother was beatiful and nice. She was afraid that she would make a fool of herself. Rin looked up to look at Len and he was looking away from them, a hand covering his mouth. If she squinted a little, she could see his cheeks was tinge with pink.

"Len...Are you blushing?" such a blunt question.

Len spluttered, waving his hands infront of him "I-I'm not blushing!"

"Mhmmm...Yeahhh" she didn't believe him

While they were busy talking, they completely forgot about Lily as she was quietly listening on their 'conversation'

"Are you two dating?" Lily asked 

Both of them fell over, blushing furiously. 'What the hell?' was the thought that ran through their minds. They looked at Lily-who was smiling innocently at them-and began to explain or make excuses that they were absolutely NOT dating.

Lily just smiled knowingly at them and proceeded to skip forward. They both looked at each other with blushing dumbfounded looks, sighing as they followed Lily to the mall.


They kept walking, buying and walking again to other shops. They were so tired and yet Lily dragged them to another store, dressing them up and taking pictures of them.

"You two are soooo~ CUTE! I just want to hug you both to death!" Lily would always cooe at them.

They were utterly embarrassed. If there classmates or even worse their friends saw them like this, they would never leave it down for them. 

But finally, the day ended with them carrying Lily's, Len's and Rin's bags. They would never go on a shopping trip with Lily EVER again!

~End ofFlashback~

Len slammed his face back down to his desk and Miku could have sworn that she heard a soft whine come from him. Miku went to Rin's side asking what happened to her while Luka went to Len's side to comfort him. They both looked at each other before turning their questioning gazes back to their friends again.


It was lunch time and Len and Rin still look pale as ever since this morning. They ate so slowly, everyone were worried and to think Len came willingly with them to eat lunch at the roof top. Whatever happened to them, must have gave them a big shock.

"A-Ah...So Len, what happened?" Kaito asked

Len looked at him with dead unreadable eyes making him flinch "Mom came back..."

This time it was Kaito and Gackupo to freeze in place-he only tagged along but Luka would not even look at him- Miku and Luka looked at them questioningly.

"M-Mrs. Kagamine...f-finally came home?!" Gackupo just wanted to crawl into a corner and cry right now.


That simple reply made all hell break loose. Kaito screamed bloody murder, running around the rooftop in circles while Gackupo crawled into a corner, crying and mumbling 'it's the end of the world'. And for a shocking moment, Len and Rin hugged each other in fear. Miku would have fangirled, but judging from the scene she was seeing, it was a serious matter.

"Will any of you tell us...What the hell is going on here?!" Miku yelled in anger.

All movement stopped, Kaito stopped running, Gackupo stopped crying, Len and Rin finally broke their hug-Rin secretly blushing- looking at each other, before laughing nervously.

"Mom is-how should I say this?- A world known business woman, able to get any company she wants. That's why she's always busy and rarely seen because of the companies she has to handle. But if she does come's hell" Len managed to say before, curling up in a ball together with Kaito and Gackupo. Rin, however, went to a corner. Luka and Miku gave her a look.

"What's up with you, Rin?" asked Luka.

Rin looked up shakily "I-I somehow, was able to meet Len's mother yesterday and it was torture!" she cried.



A/N: Yeah, I'm ending it here XD But I hope you like it and stuff. Comment and vote please! Since it's almost our exams, I decided to update before I go study. I update once a month or two.

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