That Thing Happened

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Type: One-Shot

Rating: T

Category: Hurt/Comfort


Rin Kagamine neé Megurine is like any other married woman in her early 30s. She lives in a peaceful neighborhood with her husband and made wonderful friends in her early youth. She pondered everything that happened to her in her life and the eccentric but wonderful friends that helped her along the way. Rin would have never dreamed of actually getting married, let alone for her to gain friends ever since she and her Aunt moved to this very exact neighborhood. In her previous one, she always gets isolated in certain group of friends leading her to depression. Her Aunt, a very beautiful and loving woman, had gone worried of her mental state and decided to move to a better place and renew their lives. It was hard at first but it all went smoothly in the end. She placed a gentle hand over her swollen belly and slowly let herself drift to sleep at the house porch, the day unusually clear.


-15 years ago-

"Do I really have to go? Can't I stay at home and do much more progressive work?" Rin almost whined.

She stared out of the window, early in Monday morning while the whole sky was clouded as if signaling that it was about to rain while car ran pass by people and houses of different sizes.

Rin could feel her Aunt's stare at her and knowing that it would be rude and childish, ignored it. Her Aunt released a tired sigh, turning her attention back on the road before she could even hit a person by her reckless driving. Usually, Rin would have thrown a tantrum from not informing her much earlier but being ignored was better than the blonde's raw rage and would always cause her a slight migraine. It showed her that Rin might be growing up, even just a little.

"Rin, honey, I know you aren't happy but you need this. Your Mom and Dad are busy working overseas to send money for your education and wasting it is wrong." Her Aunt reasoned.

Rin really hated it when her Aunt would remind her that both of her parents were working abroad for their daughter's sake. However, both parents never missed a single birthday just to see how their daughter is doing and how she had grown so much.

Rin turned to give her Aunt a withering glare, always knowing the outcome in the end.

"I'm not even due until next week! Why now, Aunt Luka?"

She knew her voice shook a little and prayed that her Aunt didn't notice. Knowing her Aunt, she definitely noticed.

"It's better to start early than later. Your principal also shared the same sentiments and so we both decided that you start class today. If you did start next week, you would be too much behind in school work." Aunt Luka said.

Rin huffed indignantly, giving her a disbelieving look.

"I can channel my inner Hermione and finish all of those homework's and projects in one day!"

Aunt Luka giggled, reaching over to ruffle her niece's blonde locks.

"You know, as well as I do, that it could only happen in books. No human can finish all of those in one day. They can only happen in fiction books." Aunt Luka pointed out, quirking her lips into a smile.

Rin crossed her arms and looked away in a childish manner eliciting another smile from her Aunt. She stared again out the window, the day slowly darkening the more they drove on. The car turned in a corner and finally they arrived in their destination. Black Vow Academy. It is the second most prestigious school in this area.

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