Chapter 5-A French Tutor Needed, anyone?

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So Sorry for the late update as I was so busy with cycling and working, yea, I'm working, so it's been a long long day and I never get the time to update this one and my other story: People of The Damned, so here it is, Chapter5, thank you for commenting and voting! =D

Chapter 5

“Why the hell did you say that?” I demanded angrily at Dion who whistled and looked elsewhere, ignoring a word I said. No one had bothered to turn and stare at me because everyone was talking as loud as me. Some even screamed.

“Hey,” I pinched his arm and that got his attention. He rubbed his arm and glared at me. “Why did you say that?”

“For fun,” he grumbled in annoyance.

“I want to eat hamburger!” Leon announced, stopping whatever I wanted to say and rushed towards the kitchen.

“Me too!” Dion agreed, the same loudness Leon used and followed his brother, leaving me alone at the table.

I sighed inwardly while searching for my phone in my handbag. I need to call my mom to update her on my condition. I found it and dialed her number.

“Hello?” A womanly voice picked up the line after four beep.

“Mom, it’s me, Chloe,” I answered, heart relaxing as my mom usually picks up my call after two beep.

“Chloe!” She exclaimed too loudly, I could feel relief washing over her on the phone. “Are you okay? Have you found the house? Have you unpacked? Done eating? Are you well adjusted and all? Is-“

I sighed again. “Mom, chill okay? I cannot answer that much in one shot,” I cut her off. “First, I’m fine. Met some friends I could hang out with,” I don’t want to tell her the friends I met is a guy. “The house is fine and I have done unpacking and all, overall I’m so fine you don’t even know how fine!” I did not want to tell her about the incident in the house as I did not want her to fly over and ruin everything I wanted to have.

“Good, I’m glad,” she said. “What are you doing now? It’s loud over there!”

I stood up and walked out of the restaurant, to a quieter place, outside the restaurant. “Is this much better?”

“Where are you? Are you in the disco?” She asked accusingly.

“No!” I protested. “Eating out with some friends!”

“What are you eating?”

“Hamburger,” I replied as the image of hamburger with Leon floated into my mind.

“Not healthy, Chloe,” she chastised, “eat more vegetable and fruits.”

“Yea mom, got it,” I said, exhaling, loud enough for her to listen.

“Now, young lady, I am only-“she started to say.

“Advising you to have a better health as you are a famous singer and you cannot let anyone caught you looking pale as vampires now, can we?” I finished for her because I had it crafted in my head for as long as I have lived in this world.

She started laughing. “Yes, Chloe got that all right.”

“Who am I?” I laughed along.

“My daughter,” she answered with a chuckle.” Okay, go eat, don’t want you to get gastric.”

"Okay, bye mom,"

She disconnects the line before I could do it. I stuffed it into my pocket and I was turning back to the restaurant when Dion’s face was just inches from mine, his hazel eyes full of questions. I gasped in surprised while I took two steps back involuntary.

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