Let Them Have Their Fun

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I sat on a barstool in the corner of the room, far away from our parents as they ate popcorn and bantered with each other as they waited for the coronation to air on the television in front of them. I was slumping against the back of the chair, one leg dangling, the other bent, and stepping on the seat, my fingers were playing with a rip in the material of my jeans when the Evil Queen threw a handful of popcorn at the television.

"Who is she trying to fool? She's definitely had work done."

I huffed and sighed so audibly that my mother almost gave herself whiplash, she turned her head so fast to glare at me. I returned her glare, and rolled my eyes, turning back to the rip in my jeans. I was not in the mood the deal with her petulance today, I had bigger things on my mind. I hadn't slept a wink the night before, knowing what would happen today, in a matter of minutes. I would be face to face with my best friend again, forced to answer to the changes in the both of us that we had been so desperate to try to avoid. I would finally be able to leave the same tiny island that I had spent my entire life trying to make into my home, and I would finally be able to seek vengeance on the one person that I hated the most in this land, King Ben. The man who had taken everything from me. I finally got to stare straight at his smug little face and take my life back. My hands shook in anticipation. I would rip that shiny new golden crown off of his royal head, melt it down, and make myself a sparkly new bracelet to replace the one that Harry had gifted me, that was currently living in the hold in my bedroom wall, secretly tucked away for the rest of time. I rubbed my eyes, ignoring the charcoal smudge that my eyeliner had left on the back of my hand. Sleep hadn't come easily the night before, every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Harry's piercing baby blues glaring back at me. How was anyone supposed to live like this, belonging to one person, but having desperate, heavy feelings for another? My attention was snapped back into reality when I heard the very annoyingly perky Snow White pipe up from the television.

"And there comes Prince Ben now!"

I dropped my leg and scooted to the edge of my seat. Here we are, the beginnings of the rest of our lives, here's hoping Mal could pull it off. So far, it was slow coming, the only shots we saw were very sickeningly sweet; Mal and Prince Know it All sharing a brownie, leaning in close, and sharing secrets when it finally got to the part where Ben gave her his ring to wear, I almost vomited in my mouth, but somehow managed to keep it in. What was she doing? Why was she acting like she was so... so... so in love with him? That couldn't really be true, could it? Mal couldn't really be in love with a prince, could she? I shook my head. No. That was such a stupid thought, I mean they were so drastically different. He was good and he was evil, there was a very fine line drawn in the sand there that even a king couldn't cross. She was probably just stringing him along, saying whatever she had to in order to keep the rouse going. That was the real Mal. That was my evil, plotting, cunning best friend.

"She looks like a... princess."

Maleficent sneered. I made a face. I couldn't exactly disagree, but I mean come on, it was hard not to look like a princess in a full, floor length ball gown, especially when it was designed by Evie, a fact of which her mother was over the moon about.

"Oh, who cares if your daughter can sew a dress!?"

Maleficent got to her feet and ran towards the door. "Mine has duped a prince, and she is about to steal the magic wand and set us free!" I nodded; it was an exciting time. In just a few minutes, I would be in Auradon, taking over the monarchy, and hugging my best friends, it was every evil little girl's dream. The anticipation was killing me as we all watched, sitting on the edge as Ben and Mal ascended the stairs, and bowed to Ben's parents, a scene of which we all gagged to. When Mal walked off to the left, and Ben walked up the rest of the stairs, I felt my breath catch in my throat. Here it was, it was all happening. The camera panned to a shot of Ben walking down the isle, and my hands began to shake again.

"Oh, would you just hurry up and get there already!"

I yelled, insighting a chuckle from the peanut gallery.

"All in due time my dear."

Maleficent shot me a wickedly evil smirk.

"Let them have their fun."

I rolled my eyes, watching everyone as bowed to the prince when he walked past. When he shot a wink at Mal, I almost lost it.

"Don't blow it kiddo."

I would never admit to it out loud, but Maleficent had only vocalized what we were all thinking. If something were to happen, and Mal missed her shot, it would all be over. All of the pressure was laying on her shoulders, I could only hope that she was brave enough to do what needed to be done. The beginnings of the ceremony were a boring blur, the bowing, the kneeling, the exchanging of crowns, it was only when the Beast lifted the crystal case that held the wand that we all collectively began to hold our breath. Belle grabbed the wand, daintily handing it over to Godmother, and my hands balled into two fists. Here we go. There were a few moments where there was a clear opening for Mal to grab the wand, but when she didn't, I could feel my stomach begin to churn. When Godmother began stating the vows and the wand was still in her hands, I could feel the whole room fill with impatience, and her mother finally began to burst.

"Oh, just grab the damn thing already!"

I wanted to agree with her, but instead, I just shook my head and put my hand on her shoulder.

"She's just waiting for the right moment."

I crossed my fingers. After Ben finished his vows, I started to lose hope. I had never had this much rage and pain fill my stomach at one time. I felt betrayed again. Forgotten again. But just when all hope was beginning to slip through my fingers, A hand came out from an angle off camera and grabbed the wand from the Fairy Godmother. I felt my face fill with pride as a lightning bolt shot across the great hall.


Just as the word had left my mouth, the whole island began to shake. It was so bad that I nearly lost my footing and slammed into my mother.

"The barrier has been broken!"

I felt the weight lift from my shoulders as Cruella shouted. She did it. She really set us free. I sprinted over to Maleficent as she threw open the doors to the balcony. When she grabbed her scepter and looked over at me, I beamed. Let the games begin.

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