A Theif In The Night

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I had never been more bored in my entire life. I sighed, rolled myself off of my bed, and jumped to my feet. I pouted, arms over my chest as I looked over my room. Everything was the same it always was. Same sheet, same bed, same four walls... The wall! I felt myself smile as I gravitated toward the far back wall of my room. It was a plain, dingy, dirty, red brick wall. I mean, except for the beautiful golden flower that Mal had painted for me when we first found this place. However, there was one thing that nobody else knew, not even my best friend. I inched towards the flower, my hands fluttered up, giving a brick at the bottom one swift punch, grinning as it gave way. I grabbed the two bricks in the middle and yanked them out. When we claimed this place as our own two years ago, I noticed a wiggly brick in the wall. So naturally, I pried it out with the help of a crowbar and noticed a hole behind it. I spent weeks, prying out the two bricks above the hole, hollowing out the inside of the wall, and taping them together. It was worth it, however, because now I had a spot. A secret spot that just I knew about. A spot where I hid all of my secrets and most prized possessions. Now, I grabbed the medium-sized metal box and sat on the floor with it in my lap. I dusted off the top, gently popping the lid off. I smiled as I went through the contents: a heart carved from wood that Carlos had given me on our first date, a hair clip that Evie and I shared when we were ten, a piece of the broken mirror Rapunzel had used to cut her hair off with, notes from my friends, drawings from Mal, tiny things that Jay had stolen for me for my birthdays, and finally at the bottom, a small golden earring that I had stolen from... I smiled, standing up quickly and ripping my boots on before I replaced the box, and tore out of the front door.

The air always smelled different on this side of the island. Less stale and smelly, more salty and fishy. It didn't take long for the news of my arrival to begin echoing throughout the docks. When I finally reached the fish and chip shop, he was already standing there, waiting for me.

"Well, well."

His Scottish accent rang through the chattering pirates.

"Look at what the sea dragged in."

I chuckled sarcastically, finally coming to a stop about two feet in front of the tall boy.


I sneered.


He pretended to bow, his eyes on me all the while.

"To what do we owe the dishonor?"

I shrugged, perching myself on top of two overturned fish crates.

"Just thought I'd stop in and see how the more... Unimpressive side of the island was getting along these days."

There was a small flicker of hate in his eye, but it went away just as quickly. Not good enough.

"Ah. So ye are lonely now that you've been abandoned then are ya lass?"

I felt my nostrils begin to flare, the way they did when I started to get really, really mad.

"I wasn't abandoned."

I snapped, glaring.

"Aye. So, yer crew didn't leave the island then?"

He stepped closer, baiting me.

"Pretty sure that's none of your business."

I snarled, hopping down from my seat, to stand in front of him.

"Uma's mad... real mad."

He twitched, his coat shifting slightly in the wind. That's when I saw it... The object of my affection.

"That sounds like a personal problem to me."

I shrugged, tucking my hair behind my right ear, tilting my head, so that the moonlight caught the golden earring dangling from my ear at just the right angle, sending a shimmer to shoot across Harry's cheek. His face when he recognized the small piece of jewelry was priceless; a mix of shock and embarrassment, a hint of envy, all topped off with a heavy dose of disdain.

"Oh, you're in for it now wee lass!"

He threatened, taking an impossible step closer. We were nose to chest now, I could smell the cologne he doused himself in (no doubt a bottle that he stole from Dizzy), as he towered over me. Perfect.

"Whatcha gonna do bout it Hook? You know that as soon as you lay even one finger on me, you'll break the treaty, and all hell will break loose."

I began, keeping his eye contact as my hand silently began to slip under his coat.

"And I'm guessing that Uma wouldn't take too kindly to her little errand boy causing such a ruckus now, would she?"

One finger on the handle.

"I'm her first mate!"

He clarified, his face twisting into a sneer. Two fingers.


I nodded, my face forming an expression of faux pity, my lip pouting so much it actually began to touch my chin. Three fingers.

"Her first mate. Who does her cooking, her cleaning, her footwork, and obviously her personal styling, because no girl in the world could actually be that bad at dressing herself. I mean come on!"

My whole hand had slipped onto the hilt. Now all I needed was a... distraction. As if on cue, three pirates burst out of the door of the chip shop, screaming sea shanties as they stumbled down the dock. It was just absurd enough to capture Harry's attention long enough for me to slip the dagger out of its sheath and under the back waistband of my pants. I had just flung my jacket over the handle when he turned around, the fire in his eyes slightly fizzled.


I smiled, taking a step back.

"It's been real fun discussing your pirately duties with you, but unfortunately, I've gotta dash."

I said with a wink, turning on my heel and beginning my victorious stroll down the ally, tipping the hat off of a random pirate's head as I went.

"Yeah!? Well, ye better not show yer face again!"

He called behind me. I laughed, shaking my head as I slinked through the inky blackness of the midnight hour. Like a thief in the night.

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