⁙Soo Bin and Key's Vlive⁙

326 7 3

K = Key voice lines

S = Soo Bin's voice lines

Words underlined are spoken in English. 

Enjoy ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 


The video starts with Key sitting in a practice room. He continues to fluff his hair as he looks at the camera.

K: I should have done the landscape mode. Hold up

He switches the camera angle to landscape and continues to stare at the camera

K: Hello, hello Canada

K: Today, I'm doing a solo live broadcast. Why? To explain why I'm doing this myself, I lost a game on weekly idol to the members and they asked me to draw a lot. "Do v-app for 5 minutes" is what it said. Honestly, I don't really see it as a punishment for me because I do this all the time haha

K: For today, there is a special guest that a brought to suffer along with me haha

*From the distance* S: What do you mean suffer along with you, I'm here for moral support

K: haha quickly come over here and introduce yourself

S: Hello everyone ?????? wait wait hahaha

K: What are you doing? Did you forget how to speak properly haha

S: I almost forgot my name for a few seconds haha. Hello everyone, I'm the one in charge of fashion in this duet (cue Key's wtf face) Kim Soo Bin (insert cute clap)

K: Who lied to you about being in charge of fashion? You are literally wearing a sweater in the middle of May 

S: hahaha so today, I can only be here for like 10 minutes

K: that's right

S: So for more impact on the fan's hearts, I did a hair bun haha (she's so adorable lol)

K: What are you doing haha. Just to make sure the time is accurate, I set a timer on my phone because you have something to do right? I'm sure you don't want to miss the time

S: Yeah, I have to get ready for a photo shoot later so I can only stay here for 10 minutes

K: --nim wrote, "When did Soo Bin noona get so pretty" (cue another wtf face from Key and a cute pose from Soo Bin) are you sure you don't need glasses, honey?

S: Yah, you're so annoying but thank you --nim

K: hahaha someone commented that your forehead looks like a full moon haha

Both parties ended up laughing at the comment 

S: "What photoshoot are you going to do?" I can't really say it now because I'll spoil everything but it's going to be exciting

K: "Key do you hate Americano?" No, I drink coffee every time

S: He is like a monster when he doesn't get his coffee though. His face is always so weird whenever he doesn't get coffee. Taemin and I bully him about it sometimes 

S: Quick quick, there's only 3 minutes left for me haha

K: Ohh we reached 3 million hearts 

S: *Claps like a seal*

K: hahaha

S: what happened

K: Someone commented that you look like that egg from the movie puss in boots hahaha

S: Ahhh you mean Humpty dumpty whyyyyyy??? (insert Exo Chen Ah waeee!!)

S: Everyone, Key is so mean to me so leave some bad comments about him too haha

K: Girl what are you talking about, I'm too fabulous. There's nothing you can do about it

K: Let's play a game since there's not much time left for you here. If I win, you have to post a video of you dancing to Atlantis on youtube

S: If I win, you have to promote Taemin's album and dance to criminal on v-app

*Insert Key cringe face*

K: No why would I do that hahaha. Ok we'll do three rounds of rock-paper-scissors

S: Ok 

(Cue an intense game of rock-paper-scissors)

K: Yes!! Yes!! I won

S: Shawols, I would have to apologize for whatever you are going to see later

K: hahaha I will document the whole thing 

The 10-minute timer rings - Soo Bin has to go no :(

S: Aww it's time. Bye everyone 

K: Take care

Key continues with his V-live after Soo Bin leaves 


Author's Note

Ahhhhh forgive me everyone (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

I lost track of the days recently (because there is no school for me lol) and I also just moved into a new home so that occupied my mind for a bit. I don't have a set date on when I will update but I plan on updating at least once a week (I am indecisive so you might see like seven chapters in one week)

Thank you for giving this story a chance (tbh I had fun writing this chapter)

Also stan Shinee for great skin and intelligence. Thank you for coming to my ted talk

Picture of Humpty Dumpty for reference lol

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Picture of Humpty Dumpty for reference lol

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