Extra3(I love you)

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"Isn't that against the rule, Sect leader?", an elder of Lan sect protested when Lan Hua and Lan Qiren brought the topic of how they wanted to marry. Murmurs were starting to grow more and more and Jingyi finally lost all his calm and asked,"Care to say which rule is that, Elder? Why should a big fuss be made of such a trivial matter? They are happy together and they want to marry, why should that be a problem?" Jingyi was emitting a heavy dark aura and everyone was shocked by how the always cheerful man was then pissed and angry.
    Sizhui sighed and patted Jingyi's back and Jingyi calmed down at the comfort. 'Only Sect leader is capable of that!?', everyone confirmed internally. Sizhui smiled at Jingyi assuring him that it was okay and then turned to face the elders. "I would like to hear what Master Lan and Senior Lan Hua have to say about this." Lan Qiren and Lan Hua looked at each other and then turned to look at them. "We ...we are sorry for troubling the other elders but we are here just to inform you about our wedding. If possible please do come but if you do not desire to then so be it.", Lan Qiren announced as he held Lan Hua's hand tightly. Lan Hua could sense Lan Qiren trembling a little so to comfort him, he added,"We know that we are old and everything but since even our sons have approved our decision and they have decided to support our decision, we are not here to ask for your approval but to inform you." Jingyi nodded calmly, proud of how they made a stand for themselves and whispered into Sizhui's ear,"A-Yuan, good job." Sizhui smiled and whispered back," A job well done deserves a reward, doesn't it?" Jingyi grinned and answered,"Later."
   All the elders were still murmuring about the matter when Sizhui asked,"So? Does anyone have objection to what they said? Our two elders gave everyone a choice to make and I agree with them." The elders all gave their opinion and though some were reluctant to go, others voiced that they would. Well everyone had their own opinion and view so that could not be helped. As announced, the wedding would take  place in the Lan sect itself. Lan Jingyi and Zizhen were in charge of all the arrangements while Sizhui and Jin Ling were in charge of  those letters to other sect leaders or guests and the other formal stuffs which ,believe me Jingyi and Zizhen wouldn't want to be involved in at all. Why? "Cause it's boring.", Jingyi and Zizhen answered as their respective husbands sighed at them.
     Finally the day was approaching nearer and it seemed like Jingyi and Zizhen were pretty satisfied with all the arrangements they made. Sizhui and Jin Ling, on the other hand, were tired out by all the formal invitation letters they had to send on behalf of the grooms. Jingyi and Zizhen approached Sizhui and Jin Ling who were soundly sleeping with their heads lying on the table where all the papers were neatly kept beside. Zizhen carressed Jin Ling's face and smiled,"He sleeps like a log. Ahh..I wish I could just eat him up right now." Jingyi chuckled at Zizhen's remark on his husband. He glanced over at Sizhui and seeing that pretty face sleeping so soundly, he had sudden urge to do something. He looked over at Zizhen and gestured him to come near. He quickly whispered something into Zizhen's ear and Zizhen smirked. "That's so like you, Jingyi." Jingyi held his head high and winked,"Of course, I am a packet full of fun."
     Soon after, Sizhui and Jin Ling woke up. They slowly rose their head above the table. 'How long have I been out? It seems like it's evening right now.' Sizhui thought then gazed over at Jin Ling who was rubbing his eyes and mumbling something under his breath. Suddenly, Sizhui had to hold his urge to laugh. Jin Ling noticed Sizhui covering his mouth and was about to ask what happened when he also suddenly had to cover his mouth yo hold his laughter. Both of them glanced at each other and was struggling to keep their laughter under control. At last, they admitted defeat and bursted out laughing. "Hahaha what have you done with your face, Sizhui? Is that new rule of Lan sect? To write how much you love your spouse on your face!?", Jin Ling blurted while laughing aloud. Sizhui was also laughing so hard and blurted,"Hahaha What about you, Jin Ling? Do you want everyone to know that you belong to Zizhen so much!? Hahaha going to extent of writing it on your face." They were still laughing until something hit them. They looked at each other and exclaimed,"What the heck!?"
    Sizhui and Jin Ling finally managed to remove all the words written on their face. They sat in the room quietly , lost in their own thoughts. Sizhui knew that Jingyi came up with the idea for this mischief and sighed," What should I do with him?" Jin Ling looked at Sizhui and muttered,"Isn't it obvious?" Sizhui raised his eyebrow,"Hmm?" Jin Ling suddenly bursted into rage of flame,"I am going to kick him to sleep outside and let Fairy chase after him whole night that bastard!!" Sizhui had cold sweat then and prayed,'I pray for your well being Zizhen.'
     Sizhui then thought for a moment and smiled,"How can I let him go so easily?" Jin Ling gulped as he sensed a demonic aura beside him. He silently prayed inside his heart,'I hope you are still alive tomorrow, Jingyi.' Jingyi and Zizhen were having fun catching fishes with Wei Ying outside the Gusu Lan Sect and were completely aware of the danger they were about to face. The three of them returned before sunset and went to freshen up. Sizhui didn't say anything about the mischief at all when he saw Jingyi. Jingyi looked at him in confusion.'I thought he would say something about it. Well maybe because he thought it was nothing? Oh well.'
    Later that night, Sizhui was lying on the bed and reading a book without a single glance at Jingyi who was sitting beside him. Jingyi was internally freaking out!'He is superrr mad, isn't he?! No wonder he didn't say anything to me all this time. Usually he would ask about my day and make me all comfy and warm in bed b..but today he..he is not doing anything at all.' Sizhui was mustering all his will power not to look at Jingyi. 'Of course, I wanted to punish him in another way but that would be doing what he loves and it would not be a punishment at all. And I cannot kick him out or get ghosts to chase after him. That will be too harsh for my A-Yi.' Jingyi pulled Sizhui's robe stubbornly until he faced him. He looked at Sizhui who had an indifferent expression on his face. "You are not going to stop ignorning me?" ,Jingyi asked and Sizhui just averted his gaze. Jingyi slowly wrapped his arms around Sizhui's waist and muttered," I am sorry." As soon as Sizhui heard that word, he bursted out laughing. Jingyi was shocked at the sudden laughter.
    Sizhui suddenly embraced Jingyi in a gentle and warm hug. He then proceeded to explain,"I was just teasing you, A-Yi. Well sort of revenge for the prank earlier. I could never get mad at you and more so not when you were just having fun. But of course, I also wanted to take a lil revenge." Jingyi smiled and asked,"I see. Was it fun?" Sizhui froze and looked at Jingyi who was glaring at him. Jingyi slowly turned to face him properly. Sizhui closed his eyes ready for Jingyi's wrath.. but instead he felt a soft press on his lips. He opened his eyes to find Jingyi giving him a sweet light kiss. Jingyi chuckled at Sizhui's confused face and gave him a soft smooch on his cheek. "Don't worry, you had every right to do that so I am not mad."
      Sizhui beamed with happiness and tightly hugged Jingyi and started chanting how much he loved Jingyi. Jingyi chuckled and replied, "I love you, too."
     The day finally arrived and the Caiyi town was filled with excitement as the town's people and all invited guests made their way to the wedding hall. Jingyi and Sizhui sat beside Jin Ling and Zizhen. They happily watched Lan Hua and Lan Qiren take a vow. "Haha never would have guessed that I could see my father remarry.",Jingyi spoke with few tears in his eyes. Sizhui held his hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze,"Don't worry, he will still be the same father who love and adore you." Jingyi smiled and nodded,"Uhm." Wei Ying leaned his head forward in between them and questioned,"So when will you give me a grandchild?" Sizhui and Jingyi blushed hearing the question. Sizhui stammered all red,"Ho..how are we supposed to give you grandchild?" Wei Ying grinned,"Well I have made a new potion. Why don't you try it out, Jingy-" Lan Zhan pulled Wei Ying away from there and answered with a smile,"You can go to the orphanage. There are many kids who are wishing for a home there." Sizhui and Jingyi nodded and were about to stand and give their courtesy when Lan Zhan said,"It's alright. You don't need to." The two simply nodded with a smile and sat back down.
     After the ceremony was over and Lan Qiren and Lan Hua made their way to their room. Sizhui asked Jingyi on their way back," Shoud we go to the orphangae tomorrow?" Jingyi replied with a warm smile,"I don't know if I am ready to be a parent." Sizhui held Jingyi's hand and said,"Well I am sure you would be a great parent." "Haha aren't you afraid I will be a bad influencer?", Jingyi chuckled though it was clear he doubted his ability to be a great parent. Sizhui wanted to reassure Jingyi. He gave Jingyi a small soft kiss on his cheek and spoke,"You wouldn't. I am sure they would learn to be a cheerful and lovable person from you." Jingyi felt light hearing those words and kissed Sizhui's cheek,"I hope you won't spoil them as I do." Sizhui chuckled and answered,"I will try my best not to then. Is that ok?" Jingyi smiled,"Yep that's all I need."
       The next day when they arrived at the orphanage, the guardian of the orphanage offered them a tour to which they agreed. They toured the whole house, saw different kids and at last all that was left was the garden. They saw a small boy of about 6 years trying hard to draw a picture of  Gardenia in front of him. He had beautiful hazel eyes and long raven black hair. He had pale skin and was very small.Jingyi saw the kid drawing the picture determinedly and chuckled. He crouched beside the kid and asked,"Hey hey, why are you drawing the Gardenia when there are so many options to draw in this beautiful garden?" The kid stared at him without saying a word at first but after seeing Jingyi smile at him, he grinned and answered," Because I love Gardenia! Mom once told me that Gardenia especially white one like this one is a symbol of purity and gentleness similar to the feeling of family." Jingyi smiled at the boy and asked him one more question,"Do you want to go home with me?" The kid looked shocked. He stared at Jingyi for quite a while and asked," Bu..but aren't I weird? I don't play much, I can't even make friends and.." Jingyi ruffled the boy's hair and gently spoke,"But you have a kind heart. And we have the same favourite flower, Gardenia. Well you will two fathers instead of a mother and a father though. But we will try our best to give you a mother's love as well. So would you like to come with us?" The kid thought for a while earning a chuckle from Jingyi. He then looked up at Jingyi and nodded while smiling,"Ok!" Jingyi looked back and saw Sizhui just staring at them. He gestured for Sizhui to come. Sizhui was quite nervous but he gathered his courage and approached them. He crouched down near Jingyi and was speechless for a while then Jingyi nudged his elbow and whispered,"Say something." Sizhui noticed the kid looking at him and he also noticed the uncertainity in the child's eyes. He took a deep breathe and exhaled then he smiled and asked the boy," I am Lan Sizhui, this is Lan Jingyi. I know this is sudden but we are going to be your family from today. That is if you want-" "Yes!" , the boy answered. Sizhui lifted the boy up and let him sit on his shoulder. The boy beamed with happiness and giggled. Sizhui held his right hand and Jingyi held his left hand. They gently smiled at him and Jingyi asked, " What is your given name?" The boy answered, "Guìyīng." Sizhui spoke,"That's a beautiful name. Then from today onwards you will be Lan Guìyīng." Guìyīng smiled and nodded happily. "I am sure Senior Wei and Father will be all over him once he gets there.", Jingyi stated and laughed. Sizhui smiled and answered," They will surely spoil him more than we do."
      10 years later~
Jingyi called out to a boy at the top of the tree," A-Yīng! Let's go to the town together!" Guìyīng happily answered,"Yes, father!" He quickly came down the tree and Jingyi chuckled," You are so mischievious, aren't you? I heard you pissed your teacher again today." Guìyīng pouted and protested," Teacher Lan is just so strict and always nags at every little thing." Jingyi laughed and patted the boy's shoulder," Now now it's because he has high expectations for you. But of course, don't forget to have fun ever. Cause-" "Everyday is precious, right?", Guìyīng grinned and Jingyi smiled,"That's my son."
    Guìyīng and Jingyi were about to go out when Sizhui called," Where do you think you are going?" Guìyīng and Jingyi froze at the recognization of whose voice it was. They nervously turned around to find Sizhui standing there. Guìyīng immediately apologized,"I am sorry that I caused you trouble again, father." Sizhui had a stern expression for a while but then he loosened up and smiled. "Haha it's alright. It happens with every teenager and specially since you took so much after your father A-Yi." Sizhui patted Guìyīng head and said," You don't have to be afraid of being yourself, A-yīng but do try to control yourself sometimes, alright?" Guìyīng nodded with a smile.
    Well it was all warm and sweet around the father and son but someone else was right now burning with rage. Guìyīng and Sizhui slowly turned to face Jingyi who was seriously clearly pissed though there was a smile plastered to his face. "Are you implying that it's because of me, A-yīng is always in trouble?" Sizhui gulped and immediately started to protest, "No no no not at all! A-Yi, listen to me. A-Ying, please help me calm your-"  He turned to ask A-Ying for help but saw that the boy has already climbed a tree nearby. Guìyīng mouthed an apology saying that father Jingyi is very scary when he is angry. Sizhui exclaimed internally,'He is, A-Yīng but at least you should have helped father too!'
      That night, Sizhui was hugging Jingyi as they both were getting all comfy on their bed. Sizhui mumbled,"Are you still angry?" Jingyi shook his head and answered,"Nope. I went all out and took all my anger out already so I am not angry anymore." Sizhui felt chill down his spine hearing that but then all his fear melted away when Jingyi turned to kiss him. Sizhui was not in mood to let go at all so he prolonged the kiss which was supposed to be just a light one. Jingyi trembled under his force and succumbed. Sizhui smiled and asked,"Is it ok if I go all out?" Jingyi grinned and provoked him," Did you ever not go all out?" Sizhui smirked and whispered,"Well then thank you for the meal."
    It was nearly 5 am in the morning when Jingyi woke up, Sizhui was already up and ready to go perform his duties. Sizhui noticed Jingyi woke up and smiled,"Last night, you were really cute." Jingyi was once again hit by that bright and charmingness of his husband just like everyday. He stood up and woobled a bit but managed to stand straight and walked forward. He was able to walk a few steps properly but nearly fell down when Sizhui caught him. "Hey be careful! I went all out yesterday so you might not be in a good state.", Sizhui expressed his concern and earned a light chuckle from Jingyi. Jingyi wrapped his arms around Sizhui's neck and said,"Ahh I thought i got used to it afterall these years but guess that I could never get used to the excitement I get whenever you hold me. I am so much in love with you afterall." Sizhui blushed but then he calmed himself down and lifted Jingyi. He kissed him gently and smiled,"Just so you know I love you more." Jingyi laughed then replied,"Fine fine my dear husband, no one loves me more than you." Sizhui got turned on by that and trembled. Jingyi gulped,'D..did I turn his-' "Let's do it one more time.", Sizhui declared without any intention of listening to his protest. 'Yep I turned it on!', Jingyi smiled and nodded,"Fine." Sizhui immediately rushed to the bed as Jingyi laughed and well....they had a very intimate morning!😶
  Note to the readers!!
This is really the end for this story. I am so happy and sad at the same time to finally complete this fanfiction. I love you guys so much and seriously thank you so much for reading this story. Please believe me when I say that I seriously treasure all of you who gave your time to read this story. I hope to be able to return soon with another fanfiction for you guys. Please stay safe till then everyone!!😢😀
    Special thanks to my meimei as well who i really adore HayllieCrimson. 😊😙
   Byebye, everyone!🖐 And please stay safe!😊

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