Chapter-12(Jealousy is in the air🙄)

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Peace was finally becoming known in the young lovebirds' life but.....
   Jingyi hid behind a tree as he closely observed his Sizhui talking with a really pretty woman.-' Shush, I don't think  she is pretty.'- ( Uh alright I won't disturb your jealous moment but I can go on with story, right?)
-'Yea you can but don't call her pretty and no buts.'- Seeing Jingyi's full determination I shall call the woman "Woman!", though its no different let me be lil dramatic,k?Now lets continue our jealous Jingyi's story.😁😁
    They were finally given a day off and a precious first date was on the go but a woman seriously a woman just had to show up and what's more you ask? She asked for Sizhui!!!
    Jingyi became seriously angry remembering it -' I was finally having a peaceful date with A-Yuan. How dare she interrupt us?!'-
   Jingyi glared attentively at the woman and noticed her blushing. -'I know Sizhui is really really handsome and beautiful! Weird but he is both! But still that blush is a crime because that man is mine!'-
   His eyes widened as he glanced at Sizhui who too was somehow coloured in shade of pink from his face down to his neck. The woman chuckled and Jingyi gritted his teeth-'Lan Yuan I  swear I won't give you a second chance if you cheat on me.'-
     Jingyi was really jealous and unable to process a thought straight, he ran out of his hiding place and roared," Don't you dare cheat on me, A-Yuan!"
    The two were shocked by the sudden angry roar and looked over at Jingyi who was clearly jealous and by clearly I seriously mean 100% visibly jealous.
   As if wanting to tease Jingyi more, the woman pretended to fall. Sizhui caught her and it looked like they were hugging.
   Annoyance and anger were not enough to explain Jingyi's feeling then not at all. Sizhui could feel a dark presence as he hurriedly made the girl stand and rushed over to Jingyi. "A-Yi don't be angry. You are misunderstanding our situation, she was just-"
    " I was just showing my gratitude for Young Master's help the last time we met." The woman explained with a smile planted on her face.
   Jingyi was too stunned to utter a word. He misunderstood the whole situation. Oopsie daisy I suppose. He became bright red as he immediately bowed down and started apologizing. The woman let out a light laugh as she helped him stand straight,"Please don't bow down, Young master. I can understand your anxiety. Its expected having such a handsome man as a lover not to mention he can even rival a girl's beauty." Sizhui was flattered as his cheek started shading pink.
     The woman looked at Jingyi as he was red from both embarassment and shyness and remarked,"Though I must say you yourself are no less. You are rather cute. I wouldn't be surprised if the other Young master was to easily get over protective over you."
    Both young masters succumbed under the teasing of the woman. Now that Jingyi had a non-biased look at her, she was indeed pretty. She had raven black middle length hair , hazelnut shade inspired eyes, a perfect oval shaped face and was slender with fair skin. She seemed about the same height as Jingyi.
    (Shooting me a look won't help, dear. You really view her as pretty. Ahhh...phew he finally went to his world.)
     The woman finally introduced herself to Jingyi as she showed her courtesy," Greeting Young Master Lan, I am Li Yue. And just so the young master won't feel anxiety again, I must let you know that I already have husband who I am happily married to and a sweet 4 years old daughter as well."
        Jingyi blushed harder while Sizhui chuckled lightly behind him. Ahh.. What is Sizhui to do with Jingyi? He could not just say that he asked her a week ago to prepare a present for Jingyi on his birthday which is tomorrow but Jingyi is clueless about his own birthday. But that's better for it would make a great surprise for the awaited midnight. Sizhui smiled to himself as he pondered of Jingyi's reaction.
        Note to readers: Ahahaha😂😂 Are u surprised? Never expected me to break my one month seclusion from writing, did ya? But I missed writing zhuiyi and you guys so so much so just before my official exam start this sunday finally after 2 weeks of mock and oral test, I wanted to give you guys a lil zhuiyi😁.
        And I seriously missed Jingyi birthday! I forgot all about it because of the exam pressure T-T. I can't believe it.. I forgot my Jingyi's birthday.😭😭 Ahh..don't kill me Sizhui,k? But I am really not hapoy bout this. I will make sure to compensate for it after exam to Jingyi and Sizhui and you all my precious readers. Now just a week left.
      Yosh I am all fired up! See ya guys then.Lots of love to my dear readers!😙😉😁Enjoy the chapter and wait to find out what Our Sizhui got for our cute Jingyi.😊


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