Episode 2

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"Go the the store later today and don't be stupid about it" mike said to Naya leaving a list and money on the coffee table before walking out.

"Where are you going?" Naya asked shyly.

"None of your business"

"But you are my business" Naya said with her head tilted to the side making mike pause.

"Fine. I'm going to my other bitch's house" mike said sincerely before walking off leaving Naya there in shock.

Naya wiped the tears she didn't know formed and went to the kitchen to make noodles for her self.

She wasn't even bothered, she was but didn't let it get the best of her cause it wasn't the first neither was it the eighth time.

"Off the way I move daddy you should play it cool, you dont want to be the nigga fucking up a good thing" Naya sang move by lil tjay featuring saweetie twirling her noodles with her fork.

She cleared the house and got her thing and left for the store.

Moving isle by isle she saw couples being cute and shit with each other and it made her eyes watery remembering how mike started off amazing and always being there for her and suddenly switched.

She felt a sharp pain in her tummy and ran to the toilet. She looked at her self in the mirror seeing how ugly looking she was.

She adjusted her hair but that didn't change anything. She brushed her appearances off and went back shopping.

She decided to take a pregnancy test cause the last time mike raped her she was sure he released his semen in her.

She bought the test and walked into the toilet and peed in it.

Few minutes later she checked and saw she was pregnant she got instant goosebumps and felt weak in her knees, her heart sunk and everything got blur due to the tears formed in her eyes.

She cried so hard she had to hold her mouth and tummy to stop crying. Naya felt alone and suffered in pain.

She got off the toilet seat and wiped her face, she walked out of the toilet walking past a shelf and knocking down a pack of ores.

"Hey excuse me you dropped that" a raspy male voice said.

"I-I'm sorry" Naya stammered turning around to pick it up avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, are you okay?" The man said to Naya  on looking up Naya noticed he was staring at her and they made eye contact.

The man's face softened at the sight of Naya's nose, puffy face and red eyes, Naya slowly shook her head "no".

He pulled her hand out of the store and pulled her into a hug in front of his car and she immediately broke down on his shoulders.

This was her first time in three years she has cried on someone. He began to rub her back and pat her hair

"Let it all out" he said.

"T-t-t-t-hank yo-o-u" she stammered pulling away from the hug.

"Can I get your number to check on you regularly?" He asked and she nodded pulling out her phone.

He saved his number as "Johnathan".

"I'll call you" Naya said walking away forgetting the things she was supposed to buy.

She got home and went straight to the room she and mike shared balling her self by the corner crying her eyes out.

Her phone began to vibrate multiple times, and it interrupted her cry session. She checked it and it were notifications from Instagram.

She clicked on it and saw it was a story update from a female, it was a picture of the female and mike kissing and the female tagged mike and Naya. Naya rolled her eyes throwing her phone to the other side of the room.

She heard a car pull up and she immediately remembered the groceries she forgot.

"Naya!" Mike yelled walking into the house making her heart beat faster than ever.

"I'm in here" she said cleaning her face roughly in the process she hit her nose making her silently scream in pain.

He opened the door and walking in happily.

"M-M-Mike-e-e I have t-o-o-o tell y-y-y-y-ou somet-h-h-h-hing." She said shaking.

"What's it baby?" He asked sitting into he bed and she crawled towards him.

"I'm pregnant" she said muttered.

"I didn't hear you come on" he said back.

"I'm pregnant" she said louder.

"So you out here fucking other niggas when I'm out!!" He yelled making her flinch.

Bitch that's exactly the same thing you be doing

"Wow" mike scoffed.

"You said that out loud, idiot." mike said calmly at Naya whose eyes widen.

"Get out" he said lowly and she didn't react

"I SAID GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU UGLY SLUT!" He yelled louder than ever making her jump up

"When I get back you must be out of here" mike said walking out of the room

Naya ran to her phone dialing Johnathan's number.


"H-e-e-e sent me o-u-u-ut please co-m-m--m-me here fast ple-e-e-ease, he's goi-i-i-ng to k-k-k-kill me please" Naya cried out.

"Share your location" Johnathan said before he cut the call.

She felt dizzy she felt the urge to lay down because everything was beginning to spin, she laid down and immediately slept off.

She woke up to a loud car horn and jumped out of her skin as she remembered that she had to leave the house she locked her self in the room and ran into the toilet with her phone forgetting to lock the toilet.

She heard loud bangs on the door and mike yelling. She looked through her phone and saw 120 missed calls and 200 new messages, that was when she realised she didn't share her location to Johnathan.

She immediately sent it to him with shaking hands and apology texts and waited for him.

Mike succeeded in breaking down the door after ten minutes whilst Johnathan was five minutes away from them

"Come out love" mike said with a smirk looking through the closet for Naya

Naya walked back wards holding her mouth and hit the sink making a toothbrush fall down and mike immediately looked at the toilet door.

He walked up to the for hitting it with his side and trying to break it little did he know that it wasn't locked.

Johnathan got to the house immediately mike found out the door was unlocked. Mike walked up to Naya pulling her by her hair making her scream loudly.

"Damn" Johnathan mumbled seeing the scene.

"Who you?" Mike mugged Johnathan holding Maya's hair tight.

"Fuck it" Johnathan said running up to mike pushing him off Naya with a punch in his face. Mike stumbled a bit but didn't fall.

"This the nigga you got pregnant for?" Mike chuckled as Johnathan threw another punch to his nose knocking him out.

"Let's go" Johnathan told Naya and without hesitation she complied. She packed a small back with her essentials and left with Johnathan.


This is how long an average episode will be by the way.

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