Episode 14

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"Hey ma" Johnathan said smiling rather strangely.

"I ain't cooking for you" Naya said back attacking him.

"Damn, chill out" Johnathan laughed laying his head on her shoulder.

"Naya let's go" stunna said all dressed up.

"Where y'all going?" Johnathan asked with his eyes closed.

"He taking me to buy food" Naya said smiling hard.

"Well y'all can go after our nap" Johnathan said resting his head on her thigh and getting comfortable.

"Our? Ain't nobody said I was sleepy" Naya said scrunching her face at him.

"You don't have to, I can see it in your eyes" Johnathan said with his eyes still closed.

"Your eyes are fucking closed my nigga" stunna said laughing.

"Am going with aleeyah y'all have fun sleeping" stunna added in waving them off.

"You owe me one mea-" Naya got interrupted with notifications blowing her phone.

She leaned over to grab it and saw the notifications were all from Instagram, she clicked on it and saw it was a story from a girl giving Johnathan head and she tagged her and aleeyah, she physically felt her heart melt she had feelings for Johnathan and she felt he had them to but now it's obvious that he doesn't.

"Get off me!" Naya yelled pushing Johnathan off her.

"What's wrong with you" Johnathan asked mugging her.

"You! You are wro- fuck it am out of here" Naya said calmly throwing her phone at Johnathan and began to pack her things.

"Wait its not what it looks like" Johnathan said but Naya looked at him like he was a little child asking for alcohol.

"Nigga shut up you pussy as fuck" Naya said walking our with a small bag. She has made enough money off her purse store on Instagram which was enough to sustain her in a hotel.

"Naya please don't go" Johnathan begged holding her hand but she immediately snatched her hand from him.

"Get off me, we ain't even together" Naya said smiling before walking out of the door.

A part of her wanted Johnathan to run up to her and hug her but she sighed cause she realised it only happens in movies. She took her car and drove far away playing her sad playlist, the whole ride she tried her best not to cry but it was of no use.

"ARGHHHHHH!" She screamed and banged her steering wheel, crying her eyes out.

She wanted to call aleeyah but then she realised she left her phone at stunna's house.

She got out of the car and walked into the nearest store she pleaded to use the worker's phone and they let her.

"Hello" aleeyah said in the first ring.

"Hey its Naya"

"Its a new number?"

"No I left the house Johnathan cheated"

"But y'all ain't together"

"So? I thought it was serious. I called you cause you are my only female friend and just tell the boys not to worry or look for me" Naya said and hung up.
The next day Naya rolled over expecting to land her hands on Jonathan's bare chest but then her reality hit her.

She sighed and got out of bed lazily. She did her morning routine and decided to buy her self a new phone and start again.

Five hours later she had her phone and was ready for a new beginning but she couldn't just give up just yet she loved the boys, the house, mama, aleeyah all of it.

The memories she had with the boys played repeatedly in her head and she didn't stop crying. She decided to stalk the girl on Instagram and she wasn't even that cute.

"Ew downgrade" Naya said in disgust laughing to her self.


"Stunna cover south, bashar cover north, Dom you take east and I'll take west, we have to find Naya by all means." Johnathan said angrily.

He knew he messed up really bad and lost the best person on his team but the whole thing wasn't his fault she drugged him and he really wanted to let Naya know even if she won't forgive him.

Johnathan hopped into his car and drove slowly looking at every street, person and landmark just to find Naya.

He walked into a chill fills store and ordered food for himself, he took a seat and immediately got on his phone.

Seconds later Naya walked in and saw Johnathan she played it cool cause she realised he won't notice her, she couldn't help but wonder what he was doing in this side of town.

The waiter served Johnathan and he simply nodded paying, still didn't notice Naya.

"Ma'am, your money is in complete" a waiter said politely to Naya.

"I'd pay for it" a familiar voice said and Johnathan immediately looked up from his phone clenching his gun and Naya spun around.

"No, he's not paying" Naya said unapproving of Mike's offer.

"I wasn't asking" mike said and placed 100 dollar note on the table and walked away.

"Naya?!" Johnathan yelled standing up and running to her but she simply walked away increasing her pace.

"Naya please wait" Johnathan said as soon as they got outside. He couldn't help but notice her pregnancy glow, she looked prettier like she had been talking care if her self well.

"What!?" She asked turning around with tears in her eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt you"

"But you did so fuck off and stop looking for me" Naya said and immediately got into her car and drove off leaving Johnathan there.


Johnathan stood there shocked, heart broken and disappointed.

He got his things and drove home listening to white sad songs.

He was banging in his steering wheel and yelling the lyrics of his playlist thinking of how she's glowing and getting prettier.

He bent over to reach for Naya's bracelet just to clench onto it just to feel her one more time.

"SHITTTT!" He cursed out as he looked back at the road but saw a spreading vehicle but he was to late to manoeuvre, he crashed into it-

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