Episode 18

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2 Years Later.🌼

"Naya!" Bashar yelled walking lazily to her room.

Things had changed over the years. They all moved to the hood side of Chicago, Bashar's baby girl lived with them, they were still in the drug business, Naya expanded her business.

"If you wake Renny up lord knows you'd give her milk and put her back to bed, cause why the fuck are you yelling at 4 am" Naya asked with her bonnet tilting to one side.

"We found von" he said and Naya froze.

"He died two years ago" Naya said convinced

"Apparently not"

They both walked to the parlour where everyone was.

"So after the accident" stunna began "von and mike made a deal to hide von cause they knew we knew he was the father and his life was at risk, so they tool him to Chicago 7 hours away from us" stunna said.

"Do they know were here?" Aleeyah asked.

"We'd probably be dead by now" Dom said back.

"Why, we ain't do none" Naya said confused.

"No but we took his baby. Von wanted the baby but lexy didn't so bashar taking the baby really triggered him" Dom explained.

"So what do we do now? Attack first?" Aleeyah asked again.

"We keep it very fucking low cause now we have children lives in our hands" Johnathan said.

"They still be going to school?" Naya asked.

"For now yes but if anything goes south its gonna be lockdown doe everybody" Johnathan said back.

"Now let's get some sleep" Dom said getting up.

"Lexy's still out there" stunna said.

"Von's gonna find her then, that's history" aleeyah said.

"Why don't we plan a meet for them?" Bashar asked.

"I mean is that legal?" Naya asked scrunching her face at him.

"Can't remember the last time I did anything legal" bashar said back at her.

"Oh damn" aleeyah said moving her mouth to the side.

"So y'all woke us up at 4 in the fucking am to tell us this" Naya said annoyed.

"Gt your ass to bed" Johnathan said rolling his eyes.

"Thank you" she said blushing and jogged up status with aleeyah behind her.

"We planning a meet?" Bashar asked.

"Yes we are"

"I've been thinking, let's stop the drug business" Dom blurted placing his hands on his thigh.

"You know this shits for life right and if we do we would forever have to look at our backs when we walk on the road?" Johnathan asked making sure he was clear.

"I know but it isn't safe" Dom said again.

"We've been doing this since high school what part of this is safe?" Bashar asked irritated.

"Yeen making sense, prolly cause you up early you saying shit" stunna said walking away.

"Is Renny ready?" Dom asked Naya.

"Yeah imma go get they bags" aleeyah replied.

"Who's driving today?" Bashar asked placing a bow on his daughter's head. She technically isn't his daughter but he lived as though she was.

"Stunna" Dom and Johnathan said laughing.

"Mmtch" stunna sucked his teeth and rolled his eyes.

They got them into the car and they said their goodbyes.

Stunna drove to their school playing lame nursery rhymes and they both giggled and danced to it.

He got down from the car and picked them both up with their bags and walked to their classes.

If they don't grow up to be best friends, I don't know what else would be right.

stunna thought.

**wipes tears ** 😭

We've come to the end of this book.

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