Episode 9

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"Naya, lexy come help me in the kitchen!" mama yelled.

Lexy and Naya both went into the kitchen and began to wash the dishes.

"So you both pregnant" mama said teasingly and they giggled.

"My boys working" mama said cracking her knuckles and laughing but she noticed the change in Naya's face.

They cleared the kitchen and went back to where everyone was.

"Naya baby can we talk?" Mama said and Naya stood up.

"Be careful" stunna yelled to Naya.

"Shut the fuck up you stupid ass boy" mama said mugging him and pulled Naya into her room.

"Naya baby, you know you can talk to me" mama began and confused Naya completely.

"Is Johnathan responsible for your pregnancy" mama asked and Naya shook her head, mama got angry cause she thought Naya cheated on her son but Naya calmed her down with her explanation on his she met Johnathan.

"I am so sorry baby" mama said hugging Naya.

They eventually ended their sympathetic session and went to the parlour where everyone was.

"I like her" mama whispered to Johnathan.

"We going out!" Stunna yelled, Dom, stunna, bashar and Johnathan were off to deliver to new Orleans leaving Naya and lexy home.

"Bye y'all!" Lexy yelled back.

"Bring us food!" Naya yelled waving them off.

"Imma finna go sleep" Naya said walking up the stairs.

1 hour later

Naya woke up and rolled on the bed multiple times, she did the laundry and went back to bed.

Ten minutes after trying to sleep she failed and went straight to Instagram. She got tired and walked down stairs.

"Get the papers I ain't hearing none of that" lexy said to someone on the phone and flinched when she saw Naya and immediately cut the call.

"Yo-o-ou hungry?" Naya asked lexy trying to avoid tension in the room.

"No" lexy said with a shrug

Naya went into the kitchen and began to make a sandwich and when she was done lexy came into the kitchen.

"I want one" lexy said with a pout

"Bu-bu-but you sai-id you didn't want" Naya said getting irritated

"Well I want one now" lexy said taking Naya's sandwich and hopping away

Lil bitch.

Naya thought as she began to make a whole other one a lot better than her last one.

She took it to the parlor with a cup of orange juice and stunna walked in.

"Hey bestiee!" Naya yelled waving at him.

"Hey sis" stunna said giving her a side hug and took her sandwich and ran away.

"BITCHHHH!!" Naya yelled getting really angry as stunna just laughed like a child.

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