Episode 1: Ground Control to Sara Lance

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Welcome to the Season 6 glitches book! Enjoy!



"London, 1977." John Constantine narrated from the window as he peered out into the city. "The tangled knot of grime, the stodgy monarchy. This collision of punk rock and aristocracy slamming into each other like two doomed worlds, this-"

"This sounds like quite the familiar story. You sure it's the era and not us your talking about?" Clarity chided, "Only 7:00 am and I've already got you reciting me poetry like a proper soul mate."

"Nothing proper about me, love." John protested with a wry grin hands shoved into his robe pockets.

"I know, it's one of the many things I love about you." Clarity smiled. "It's been a while since I've seen you smile like that. I'm glad your happy."

"Well, Why Shouldn't I be?" John challenged throwing out his arms. "You see, my soul finally belongs to me. Astra is redeemed, and—" John clapped his hands jumping onto the mattress Clarity giggling as it bounced.  "And I get to wake up next to you, you lovely creature." John grinned, staring at Clarity with the most admiring look after he belly flopped on the bed. He reached out to stroke her cheek and she leaned into his touch letting out a tiny sigh. "And our sweet, Canary, if she ever shows her face. She text you where she is yet, love?" John craned his neck to look at Claritys smartphone that was in her hands.

Clarity shook her head no. As she scrolled up there were nothing but delivered messages. None of them were read yet.

"How are you feeling? Getting worried about her are you?" John asked all to knowingly. He could see it, even if she was trying to hide it. It was in the way she held the phone so close to herself, as if she were scared that if she'd let go she'd miss a text from Sara, she hadn't put it down all morning. Not that John could really blame her.

"It's not like Sara to just disappear without a word." Clarity frowned. "I thought she was coming here to meet us. I know we figured last night she must've decided Ava was in no state to Captain the ship, but it's morning. She should be up by now. She should be here with us. Sara's not a lightweight, and she's not answering me. John, she always answers me."

"I know she does. Memory serves she wasn't much better off than Ava, love. She was doin her girlfriends job helpin her walk." John denied. "Zari didn't want to risk puke on her boots if I recall."

"Still, I just wish she'd answer her phone." Clarity sighed. She looked to the door with dawning hope as it swung open only for it to be crushed at the sight of Ava and Mick.

"Ugh, Oh, Hel-lo." Ava greeted in surprise instantly noting her co captains absence. The trio surprisingly incomplete, which was a rarity in the early morning such as this.

"Oh, sorry guys." John sat up a bit more in bed. "You Uh, Missed the party."

"Wait Sara's not here with you-Uh oh." Ava cut herself off, Mick already chugging a bottle of champagne like it would burn the image of John lying in bed with Clarity from his mind. The arsonist was glad she was happy in the throuple they had going on, but Mick still hated the trench coat wearing warlock with a passion. Ava gagging into the champagne bucket Mick had passed her.

"Okay, sorry, it's fine. I'm not judging. It's none of my business how you three manage your relationship. Obviously sometimes you have to just you know have some alone time as a pair, you and him, do your soul mate thing-" Ava gagged even worse after she said that. John looked at her affronted. "It's an involuntary reaction."

"We should burn the room." Mick suggested.

"Eh, I think already beat you to it fire starter." Clarity gestured around the room at all the singe marks everywhere from where her sparking hands had clawed into the wall. Behind one of the doors there was even a full imprint of her body, all Johns fault of course. How was she expected to control her powers when she was that 'excited'? Beside her John chuckled, and this time Ava actually did vomit into the bucket.

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