Episode 2: Meat the Legends

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I....I don't even have the words to express just how happy I am that I made this book you guys! I love you all! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I had fun writing it!



"So there are aliens scattered throughout history." Nate nodded hands on his hips. He was facing away from the legends, and behind him an alien went splat across the ships windshield like a bug. "Oh."

Ava gasped as the body thudded.

"Oh my god, major ew." Zari cringed looking thoroughly disgusted hiding her face in her girlfriends shoulder. Ava rubbed her shoulder affectionately to comfort her holding her close.

"And on our windshield." Mick complained.

Clarity hands covered her mouth. "Oh no..." She went to run up to the windshield intent to glitch the alien through so they could help it, only getting about two steps closer before there was a hand on her arm which made her pause.

"Careful love," John caught her arm pulling her back. "A wounded alien'll probably react the same way as a wounded animal. Best stay back. Could be dangerous."

"I don't care how dangerous they might be." Clarity protested. "Just look at them! They're bleeding or like oozing-I guess Alien blood is ooze. But anyways point is they need help. We can't just leave them there oozing all over."

"Couldn't agree with you more, Sparky." Mick walked up to the captains chair.

"Mick, no." Nate protested.

Mick turned on the windshield wipers.

"No, no, no, no!" Ava protested at the same time that Nate said. "No, you're hurting it."

"No, no, stop, stop Uh-" Clarity sprinted up to the window her right high heel almost getting stuck in the grating in her hurry. The smart thing to do would have been to shut off the power to the wipers, instead Clarity in her panicked mind for this poor hurt defenseless creature, tried to stop the wipers with her lightning and she did, but she did so, so abruptly that the alien was sent flying into the time stream. Hurtling away like an asteroid letting out a screech.

"I'm sorry!" Clarity yelled to the alien, palms lightly hitting the glass as she stared at it floating away in horror.

"I'm not." Mick grunted.

"Rory!" Ava berated shaking her head with a sigh. "Clarity glitch it back."

"I-I can't." Clarity shook her head as she paled turning to face the team. "T-They're too far away now, they're out of range and I didn't get a good feel for their energy. Oh my god what if they die out there! They've already lost so much ooze! How much ooze can an alien lose before they're dead?"

"Not high enough to answer that." Behrad replied. "Also I don't know. It's probably a goner now."

"Yikes." Zari winced (I think this was zari's voice? I hit replay like 15 times pls tell me if I'm wrong cause I cannot tell.)

"Wow." Nate complained. (Also unsure if this was Nate? It might be Behrad? Someone pls help confirm!)

"That was a lead. That alien could have told us something about Sara's whereabouts." Ava complained.

"No, babe, that alien is dead." Zari denied with a shake of her head she looked to Clarity. "Sorry girl, you tried your best."

"Instead of saving them I-I condemned them?" Clarity's lower lip quivered, John pulled her into his arms.

"It's alright love. It was just an alien...." Though John knowing it being a different species wouldn't exactly make clarity feel better as the woman rescued spiders from window sills and even wasps from indoors, and viewed aliens and magical creatures alike as people, he followed up with, "It's in a better place now."

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