Episode 4: Bay of Squids

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*the idea for this chapter might just be scrapped in the final draft and replaced with something original cause I'm not sure it makes sense having clarity in the episode when John isn't cause she lives more with him now than on the waverider with Sara gone and everything reminding her of her but what the hell! That's the beauty of this book I get to work out the kinks early!*

Also as you can see Saturday did not happen but I'm gonna get my shit together and catch up! I stopped watching legends for a bit, things got a little crazy for me haha, but good news is that I found the scripts for the episodes so I made my life a little easier how awesome is that!!?? Anywho enough talking into the episode!


"Gideon, what is it?" Nate asked coming out of his room. "Clarity's not having her baby already is she? Cause that seems like way too soon. She's still got like 8 months to go. That baby should not be poppin when she's hardly showing. We want her to have a very easy pregnancy, no complications, no miscarriages."

"Heavens no, Dr. Heywood. I didn't sound the alarm. It was Mr. Rory, I believe." Gideon answered him.

"C'mon, Mick." Nate groaned to himself. "She's just pregnant. Gideon please tell him to stop setting the thing off every time she goes to throw up. Nausea is very normal for this kind of thing. I was talking to Ray, Nora's got it too. He can relax."

"Hey." Zari groaned. "Everyone's getting on the baby express. Mona told me she is too not that she spilled any deets on the father." She greeted as she met up with Nate in the hallway. Looking just as the original Zari usually had.

"Zari." Nate greeted her almost in awe.

"Oh, you're not used to my nighttime makeup. I mean, no make up. Sorry to ruin the illusion." Zari told him with a sigh. "It's 3am even Clarity doesn't get up til 4 to glam up."

"No, you, um...you look just like her." Nate replied.

"Oh. You mean the other Zari." Zari realized.

"Yeah." Nate nodded.

"Mm, It's too early for dopple ganger alternate time line twinsie talk." Zari frowned to herself. "Seeing Pixel with Clarity was bad enough. I could change my hair if it would help." Zari gestured to herself.

"Help what?" Nate wondered cluelessly.

"Whatever's happening down there." Zari gestured to his morning wood.

"It's not my fault."

"Mm." Zari did not look convinced.

"I was sleeping." Nate explained.

"Yeah." Zari nodded.

"It's natural." Nate insisted.

"Whatever you say, Steel." Zari whispered his hero name after him smiling to herself as she walked down the other hall.

"Move your butts, people. Need you on the bridge." Mick's voice resounded over the intercoms.

"All right, All right. Just gotta finish my last set." Esperanza called in reply. She looked to Clarity who was also working out. "Hey, you sure workin out like this in the middle of the night is good for the baby? Shouldn't you be resting like the king of chill over there." She nodded to Behrad.

"The last thing my baby needs is for me to copy Behrad." Clarity replied, doing her last squat. "Honestly I just had to get up and move. I couldn't sleep, it's hard to without Sara...I don't think it's as bad for John, I always sleep in the middle, so I think I notice it more than he does."

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