"I love you too" Peter whispered before folding the letter back up and put it back in it's envelope.

Steve opened up the door and walked in. "Hey kid. You all right?" he walked towards Peter who was still sitting on Adeline's bed.

"Yeah, yeah I'm- I'm fine." he wiped away a tear and looked down at the letter.

"What's that?" Steve asked.

"It's just a silly little letter she wrote to me."

"Ah. Listen, Peter I know what its like to loose someone you love. I know that you were in love with her, I could see it in your eyes. When she walked in the room, it was like she was the only one in the world and you couldn't take your eyes off of her. You're in love kid, you can't deny that."

"I was in love. She's dead, incase you forgot. I know I haven't."

"What's in the letter?"

"Nothing. Nothing. What uh what did you need again?"

"I was just coming to make sure your okay."


"Sure." Steve turned to leave but stopped and said, "Tony said that you could take something, to remember her by."

"Thanks, Mr. Rodgers."

"Please, call me Steve."

"Okay, Thanks Steve" Steve smiled and closed the door. Peter stood up and looked around her room.

Over on her desk laid a small sliver locket. Peter picked it up and opened it. Inside were two small pictures of Adeline and Peter back in Germany. Peter smiled and put the small necklace in his pocket before walking back downstairs.

When he got home Peter put the necklace on a small shelf that hung on his wall. He put it beside the small Spider-Man keychain she'd bought him. He took out the letter she wrote to him and put that on the shelf too.

- Days Later -

Everyone was sitting down at the table in their suits, ready to track down Thanos and fight him.

"Where do we think Thanos could be?" asked Rhodey.

"I don't know." Said Steve.

"Well, how did he get off the map?" Tony asked

"There's no way we can find out."

"He might have gone back to Titan." Rocket guessed

"No, he wouldn't of gone back there." Nebula answered

Almost immediately after Nebula finished speaking a bomb hit the back half of the compound.

Almost everyone was stuck beneath the rubble. Steve managed to pick himself up. He looked around. Almost everything was in ruins. When he looked straight ahead he saw Thanos walking towards him.

"Is this what you wanted Captain?" Thanos mocked holding his hands out, a giant sword in his right hand.

"There's only one thing I want, and you know what it is." Steve said, starting to run towards Thanos.

Thanos raised his giant sword and clashed it on Cap's shield. After a few hits his shield started to break off in chunks. That's when Tony came running at Thanos in full armor. Thanos threw Tony across the rubble and Thor came charging at him.

All of a sudden a portal started to open in the distance and Dr. Strange walked out. Then 5 more portals opened up and all the super hero's on this earth and many others walked through.

"Finally, some competition." Thanos remarked. Thanos's army, the Chitauri, came running out of his ship.

Everyone was now running at each other.

After hours of combat the gauntlet somehow got thrown amongst the rubble. Peter was knocked backwards by one of the Chitauri.

"Oh, god ow. Wow that hurt. Man that thing's strong." Peter rolled over on his side and opened up his eyes. "What is- isn't that? Oh my god..." he checked the gauntlet over and sure enough, all the stones were there. Peter held it as tightly as he could and laid there until something came flying at him. His first instinct was to try to get away, but he recognized her. She was there while they were planning their attack. Besides, she seemed trustworthy. "Hey, don't I know you? I'm Peter by the way. Parker. I'm Peter Parker."

"Hey Peter Parker. You got something for me?"

"Yeah," he said standing up and looking at the Chitauri who were all running toward the two of them "I don't know how you're going to get it through all that." he handed the gauntlet over to Carol.

"Don't worry kid. I got this." she smiled at Peter and flew away.

Peter looked around for Tony and ran towards him.

"Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark!" Peter called

Tony turned to him. "My favorite young adult!" Tony hugged Peter tightly. He held Peter how he wished he held Adeline before she left for the Soul stone.

"Oh, this is nice"

"Did you hear about Adeline?" Tony asked

"Yeah, yeah I did." Peter said holding back his tears.

"How are you?" Tony asked. He seemed like he was trying not to breakdown crying, as if the world would fall apart if anyone ever saw the great Tony Stark shed even a single tear. 

"Not great. I'm really sorry Mr. Stark" Peter responded

"Don't be kid." Tony released his grasp, smiled and patted Peter on the back. "Now lets go fight this giant grape." Peter laughed.

They went off and fought Thanos.

He put up a fight but with everyone working together, he didn't stand a chance.

Tony flew down and landed in front of him. Steve, Thor Wanda Nat and Carol we're all trying to get the gauntlet from his hand.

"You took everything from me, and now you're going to pay for it." Tony ran towards him and started shooting.

They eventually managed to pry the gauntlet from his hand, all stones still intact.

They ended up getting the stones from Thanos and killing him.

-Hours later-

Most of them were injured, some came out fine. They managed to stray away from their usual habits and only ended up with one casualty, Adeline.

Tony stared at the door for hours with the hope that Adeline would walk through it one more time. He regretted not letting her live her life. He knew she was angry at him, but all he wanted to do was protect her from the dangers of this world. If only he didn't let her go. If only he held her a little longer and told her how proud he was of her then maybe she would have stayed. There were so many things he could've done. But he didn't, and now his little girl was gone forever.

They won this battle, but at what cost?

Something like love | Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now