"you like y/n"

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3rd person pov

It was officially the day y/n and tommy were heading to Brighton Wilbur and Niki decided they would pick y/n and tommy up the drive would be at least an hour so you had some time to get to know them better before you went and saw every one else

"TOMMY!" Y/n screams at the top of her lungs because tommy had took her phone and wanted to go through it
"What could be so bad that you don't want me to see y/nn?" Tommy says with a smirk
"Nothing just give it back"
"Tommyyyy" you say longating the word and pouting  "fine y/n - "YAY" -WAIT on one condition" "ughh what condition" you say rolling your eyes "you have to show me your contact name for me "he says with a smug grin "uh yeah okay hand the phone over" you say trying to sound calm "okay"

As soon as tommy hands you the phone you bolt in the opposite direction tommy chases you closely behind "Y/N! COME BACK" "NO!!" Tommy ends up getting close to you and grabbing you by the waist to catch you but you weren't prepared and ended up falling forward knocking tommy over
"HAHA CAUGHT YOU BITCH" tommy says cackling "oh shut up " you say trying to get off of tommy but his hands were still attached to your waist "uh tommy" you say avoiding his eyes because you knew you were a blushing mess "hm what's up y/n " he says still holding onto you "ca-can you-"
You stop short because you don't wanna hurt Tommy's feelings because you were pretty sure he knew he was still holding you tight

"Can I what y/nn?" He says trying to look at you "um nothing" you say relaxing and curling up into a ball you were about to fall asleep when you heard tommy say "your so adorable" under his breath and with that you fell asleep happy in the blonds arms

"Y/n it's time to go "tommy says shaking you slightly "OH BLOODY HELL TOMMY WE HAVE TO GO STOP BEING A SIMP AND WAKE HER UP!" Wilbur yells from the car

Tommy completely ignores Wilbur and decides to just pick up and carry the sleeping girl to the car once he was in the car Wilbur looked at him straight into his eyes and said "you never treat anyone like that.....SIMP!" He yells at the end causing the sleeping girl to jump into Tommy's arms being the not sleeping girl

Tommy's pov

"AHHH !" Y/n screams as she lands into my arms although I was mad at Wilbur I couldn't help but laugh at this action "OH SO FUNNY GUYS!" She says in a fake offended yell but as soon as she realizes she's sitting in my lap she quickly jumps off of me "so y/n how was your stay " I ask seeing if she would catch on "my stay whe- TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK!" She says hitting me softly "calm down sleeping beauty" I say teasing her she ignores me and puts her attention to Niki

Wilbur's pov

Y/n had been getting to know us the whole drive there once we got there I informed them that the others wouldn't be there for awhile y/ns phone started ringing with a FaceTime tommy looked confused and went to look and once he saw the contact name he took a breath of relief y/n grabbed the phone from tommy and said "sorry guys I gotta anwser it's my friend daya" "that's alright y/nn" I say walking up the stairs "Niki tommy come with me "

"What's up Wilbur?" Tommy says after sitting down on the couch in my room
"Tommy you like y/n" I say planley "i- "yeah tommy it's pretty obvious "Niki says cutting tommy off " "i don't like y/n" tommy says rolling his eyes "yes you do and I just want to help you tommy your like my little brother I need to help you with this" I say honestly giving tommy a slight smile "i- Wilbur thank you so much" tommy says hugging me tightly

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