"y/n your so damn mean"

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(Continues from last part)
Y/n pov

"Wow y/n way to make assumptions" alex says in a sarcastic sounding voice

"Well I bet I'm not wrong" I say shrugging
"Calm down guys we just got here don't start a war already" Wilbur says sighing
"Yeah y/n calm down"
I immediately turn tword tommy "tommy I want you to shut up and run away before I throw you out of the goddamn window"
"Yes ma'am" tommy say as he runs away
"Y/n your so damn mean" nick says
"Nicholas are we gonna have a problem?"
"Good "

"Ok um now that you guys are done what should we do today?" Ranboo says scanning the room "we should go swimming it's hot as fuck outside" "I agree with Alex" I say
"Wow finally" "shut the fuck up Alex"
"Got it"
"Now now are you guys really gonna let a little girl boss you around?" Clay says looking straight at me
Tommy screams from the top of the stairs "YES AND YOU SHOULD TO!"
"Pfft what could she really do?"
"Clay whatever the fuck your last name is if you don't start running for your life your gonna be a dead man " I say smiling at him
"Oh really?" "YES BITCH NOW RUN" I say chasing the grown man as he screams for his life "HOLY SHIT THIS LITTLE GIRL IS TERRIFYING!!"

After about thirty minutes of  chasing everyone is finely getting dressed for the beach

"Hey Niki what do you think I should wear?" I ask niki because all the other girls we share a room with are already dressed

"Hm how about this " she says handing me a white and blue one piece with a cut in the stomach part it has flowers on the blue part that's at the top and a gold lining around the cut and some ruffles at the cut sleeve's
"OH NIKI!" I say hugging her tight "this is perfect!"
"Aw y/n I'm glad you like it now go put it on " she says winking at me I giggle and go put it on me and Niki walk down the stairs together Niki in a pastel pink one piece with roses all over it me and her are laughing about what we think the guys are gonna say and I say "Oh Niki you look so lovely" mimicking Wilbur "Oh Niki you look so lovely " Wilbur says as we walk up to them me and Niki look at each other and start dying of laughter and as I laugh I notice not one but two people staring at me Tommy and Grayson
(for those who don't know Grayson is purpleds real name if you dont know who purpled is i-  LOOK HIM UP but yes I am adding some drama enjoy;] )
I never really met Grayson I've said hi to him but that's all but I ignore it and shift my attention back to the conversation "y/n you don't look as evil right now " Alex says in a sarcastic voice "HEY GUYS PETITION TO EAT ALEX FOR DINNER?!" I scream as Alex looks at me in fear and "Karl starts laughing so hard it's all you can hear "yE- YES HAHA- I PFFT AGREE!" "Thank you Karl your my new bestie" I say going to give him a high five "wow y/nn your just gonna replace me like that?" Tommy says
"Yes tomathy I am"

"EVERYONE GET IN A CAR ANY CAR I DONT CARE" Wilbur screams over all are talking "I want to sit with tommy!" I say running over to him "I thought you replaced me" Tommy says fake crying "no I can have to bestie's tommy " I says rolling my eyes "yeah tommy" Karl says walking over with Alex and Toby  " Alex is gonna drive I'm gonna sit shot gun and all you children are in the back" Karl says pointing to the red shiny car "okay!" I say skipping over to the car
"What the fuck didn't she want to eat me like thirty minutes ago and now she's okay with me ..? She's crazy"
"Yeah" tommy agrees with him

As soon as everyone is in the car I yell "I CALL AUX" "NO YOU EVIL WITCH CHILD " Alex screams at me  "Alex give me the aux right now I swear" "okay okay" he says passing me the aux cord "so what are we gonna listen to today" tommy says "CHASE ATLANTIC ALL DAY BABY" "who are they?"
Alex asks "there a band and there Australian and there music is so pog you'll be pissing your self after hearing this song " I say as I start up the song swim there most popular song "this is gonna be a long drive" tommy says

(And no due to some popular belief I did not start listening to chase Atlantic bc dream did I've been listening to them for two years but otherwise have a good timezone children :D )

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