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(thank you for all the support you guys are all swaggy 😩✋)

It was the next day and I was making cereal to eat for breakfast, as tommy walks down the stairs into the kitchen with me

"Hey y/n " he says not looking at me but the bread he's holding
"Hi Tommy" I say quite surprised he's talking to me again
"So um about yesterday" I start looking up at him but he meerly walks over to me shushes me and says "meet me outside at 3 am, ok?"  Sense his finger is covering my mouth I shake my head up and down and fineally he walks away to eat his bread leaving me completely baffled

As I eat my cereal what happened with tommy in the kitchen repeats in my mind but I can't help but think that it's probably just for his dumb competition with Grayson, "hey y/nn" "hey Alex "
"We're planning to do a big group QnA stream you in?"
"Hell yeah only a fool wouldn't wanna be "
"Great be ready by um let me check....1 pm"
"Sounds good I'll be there "I say as I start walking to my room to start getting ready

Guess who I bump into on the way Grayson let's see what he wants this time
"Hey y/n"
"Hi gray what's up"
"Nothing really" he says leaning on the railing of the stairs
"Cool " I say trying to walk away
"Heyy y/nn" grey say grabbing my hand and pulling me back "please can I go hang out with you?"

I almost say no but I know he won't take no for an answer and so to my defeat "yeah ok sure let's go" I say as I let go of his grasp and walk to my room no one else is in it
"Dammit" I say under my breath, I was really hoping someone else would be in here so it wasn't just me and him
And there it is my savior a face time from daya

"Oh who's that?" "It's my best friend daya, I better anwser " " oh yeah of course I can stay though right?" "Um yeah sure"
"Heyy" "hi daya " "who's that?" "It's my friend Grayson" "hello" "hi"

We talk while I get ready and then it's time to stream, "I'll talk to you later days " "Byee"

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now