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(no SEGGS ya freaky freaks tommy is a minor this chapter means fuck me like oh God I'm fucked over yk? So yuh don't click off it's not seggs tf-🤓)

It has been a whole day sense Tommy confessed and goodness he was really showing his true colors

"Y/nnnnn I want cuddles" "boy please I just want Alone time with my pop tart " "you love a pop tart more then me?" "Yes definitely"

Tubbo yelled at tommy
"oi shut up children " jack told tommy and tubbo "thank you Jack they are very ANNOYING"
You say yelling annoying " now y/n I don't think it's fare to treat your boyfriend like that" tommy says without thinking "boyfriend?" The group becomes silent tommy is tomato red and so are you you cover you face with your hands and tommy looks at a water lable pretending to be interested "ok so you guys aren't dating yet?" Ranboo says from over on the couch "um I don't really know" you say looking over to tommy who shrugs "you guys suck at this " skeppy says while walking down the stairs with bad " Yeah ok skeppy atleast I'm not secretly In love with my Best friend who happens to be named bad boy halo " you say mockingly at skeppy he looks at you with utter disbelief "LANGUAGE YOU MUFFIN HEAD" bad says walking back upstairs really fast while skeppy fake cry's "i- I really thought *fake sob*  we were besties y/n *fake sob*" "well you thought wrong skepster ' you say jokingly while you turn twords tommy " tom" "y/n" "be my boyfriend right now before I cook you" "yes ma'am" "ok guys it's settled we're dating" you say smiling really widely

It's been a few hours and your asleep because of the bad sleep you got last night and your dreaming a weird dream you and Tommy but adults? And married MARRIED?! " WHAT" you scream as you wake up from your nap tommy runs in the room "are you ok?!" "Fuck me-" "what.. ?" "NO NOT LIKE THAT-"

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now