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(drama 😩😩😩)

We're back home and the car ride was awful me and tommy didn't talk we haven't even made eye contact for three hours and I already miss him so now I'm in the bathroom sitting on the floor thinking about what I did wrong

"Y/n? You almost done it's been awhile" nick calls through the door " oh yeah sorry " I say standing up and opening the door he turns around to talk to me but I keep walking " y/n? "  Karl calls from the top of the stairs as he waves me twords him
"Hm?" " What's going on with you and tommy you've both been acting really off ever Since the beach what happened?"
"Nothing " " stop lying to me what happened he says" looking me straight in the eyes trying to read me " Nothing Karl" "y/n I'm serious what happened?" "NOTHING!" I yell not purposefully but I do and then I run to the room out of embarrassment that I just yelled at Karl he wasn't even being rude ugh "y/n " a softer voice asks and I see Niki and minx sitting on bed now looking at me " hi Niki" "what was that yelling sweetie?" She says as minx pats the spot next to her  so I go sit " I yelled at Karl.." "oh why?" "He was interrogating me " " about?" "Tommy" "what happened with tommy?"

After I fill her in on what happened she and minx comfort me
" Aw well who needs boys" minx says winking at me in a playful way
"Yeah I know for sure you don't " Niki says playfully punching my shoulder "thanks guys I should probably go apologize to Karl now though" "yeah I agree " Niki says smiling "have fun" minx says sarcastically I chuckle as I exit the room "Karl?" I call as I walk down stairs and there he is watching anime with Nick "hey y/nn" he says acting like nothing happened " your not mad?" I say looking at him "of course not why would I be mad " I ignore his question and hug him immediately"thank you " "for what" "being you " "ok can you guys shut up I'm trying to watch anime" sapnap says in an annoyed voice "sorry nick we will go talk in my room" Karl says grabbing my hand and dragging me to his room "ok so what's going on?"

After I explain he look at me and says "no way so who's fault is it?" "I don't really know we both kinda moved away" "oh well neither of you should be mad at each other then maybe you should go talk to tommy "
" um I know I should but I'm way to scared" "oh c'mon you can do it " " um ok I will thank you Karl" I say getting up and walking to Tommy's room but as ik about to open the door I hear talking and decided to eavesdrop

"Tom you don't understand she's mine "
"She has no interest in you she just met you gray that would make no sense"
" Fine how about whoever kisses her first gets her " " deal"

What the fuck I think as I immediately run to the closest door that happens to be skeppy and bads room

" ZAK?!"
"What bad" skeppy says trying to sound innocent " oh hey y/nn!" " Bad shh" I say making a quite face " oh what's going on?"
"Good question skeppy I have no clue "
"What do you mean" bad asks me
" I heard something I wasn't supposed to and now I'm scared" "oh well come here and talk about it " so I listen to bbh and sit in the floor next to there gaming chairs and tell them everything "oh God" skeppy says looking at me " and we know it's about you because?" " Because they both like me tommy tried to kiss me and Grayson and I barely have talked and he has already flirted with me " oh shoot that's not good"
" Well who do you like " bbh asks " tommy"

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now