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Y/n pov

You and tommy ended up streaming for a good 3 hours you had alot of fun with tommy but it's now 4 am and you and tommy are on vc talking

"bruh the amount of times you TRIED to kill me is extraordinary" you say to tommy yelling the word tried

"HEY?! That's not fair you are obviously better at the game then me" tommy says you can tell he rolled his eyes

"Awh thanks big man I know I'm just Superior!"

"Wha-WHAT I never said that?!"
Tommy whisper yells

"Yes indeed you did "

"How about we FaceTime y/nn?"

"Hm well.... Sure" you say unsure if it's a good idea

"POG! I'll see you in a sec"

"All-* user left the channel* right"
You mess with the strings of your hoodie because your nervous and you know exactly why your nervous to..

*Facetime from tommy🙄❤️ *

You hesitate at the awnser button but click it anyway

"Hi!" Tommy yells

"Hey Tomothy!" You yell back matching his energy

He looks at you for a few seconds until saying "you really pretty y/nn"

You turn extremely red after he said that and stutter up a reply
"I-im uh-uhm thanks"

Tommy shakes his head in a playful manner and says "your such a dork"

You fake offended and fake pout "no I'm not!"

Tommy finds this very funny and dies in a fit of laughter

You decide this is the perfect time to get him back as you stare at his bright blue eye's you say "Tommy I find your eyes very pretty " you say being fully honest tommy is set back a bit by what you said and kinda looks at you in confusion before what you say sets in and he goes completely red

"T-thanks..." He mutters "is the tommyiniit blushing?!' you say trying to tease him he gives you a fake angry look and then you both erupt into a fit of laughter

T-tommy you say in-between laughs he looks at you and stops laughing "hm?"  "Well"you say now that you've also stopped laughing "I really enjoy talking to you and I know you live in england and I wanted to tell you.." you stop and let the anticipation kill tommy for a second "tell me what?" He says confused" I wanted to tell you.. That I'll tell what I wanted to say tomorrow!" You say ending call right after

You look at how much he spam calls you and you laugh "he'll just have to wait till tomorrow" you said to yourself

"My god" (Tommy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now