7.Some chit chat

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Jannu's POV in morning:

Since yesterday I was feeling like someone very special will come but that rude type vala pardni comes uhhh.....

I was thinking these and when heard a knock on door I wash my hands and run to door and open it, I see that rude pardni is standing there tauba tauba sara mood karba kar diya Subha subha he was standing with a irritated face....

I ask him 'what happened' and he said 'Mr Rahmani' so he want to talk with daddy I shout to daddy 'that boy have come' and I welcome him inside in a lil rude behaviour if daddy see this then surely he will say 'behave'.

POV end.

I think after this what happened you know so need of repeat the same thing.

Continue from where it's end in last chapter.

Author POV:

Mr Rahmani: so what have think about how will you live here and all.

Faisu: I have not think yet and I have never done anything like this so I have no idea.

Mr Rahmani: don't worry we will help to you live here peacefully for one year but there are some conditions.

Faisu: what type of conditions.

Mr Rahmani: first thing is that you can't tell anyone about yourself that you are rich and belong to Shaikhs, second you have to earn money by yourself.

Faisu: my self what but mr Khan said I will get money and here you are saying that I have to earn it.

He said shockingly.

Mr Rahmani: ya you get money but only 10 thousands per month these were condition and as you haven't complete your 12th you will complete it here in which school jannat study's and ya if now if you have any problem then come to me and Jannat will show and tell you about here.

Jannat: daddy one thing more he can't talk rudely with anyone.

Faisu: okay I will talk to everyone sweety okay.

Jannu: ya that's good we will meet at your home at umm what's time now.

She said looking at clock it was 9:50am.

Jannu: at 1pm I will come there for helping you.

After some time he left to his home jannat doing some work Mr Rahmani went out from some work.

At 1:00pm jannat went to his home for helping she knock two times he open the door she was shocked..........





Why she is shocked keep guessing

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Why she is shocked keep guessing.
Spoiler alert next will lil bit romantic.

Writer shifa.

Words: 418.

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