9. school

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After two days that incident:

We see a boy getting ready in school uniform which was sky blue shirt with white tin strips and Navy Blue pant.

Place change:

Here we see a girl braiding her hairs in two side braide she was wearing school uniform which was sky blue collar suit with tin white strips and Navy Blue pant with sleeveless koti.

(Everyone knows them so there's no need of suspense).

Scene change.

Now we see a faisal standing in front of a school 🏫 he step in the school asked someone "where is class 12th" he told him the way... after reaching there he sneak into class teacher was not present which made him to easily enter inside and his eyes were searching for a empty sit and here jannat was pointing him a sit which was next to her row In front of her sit but he keep going and sat on the last sit.

After sometime teacher enter in class everyone stand and said"good morning" then started prayer. Faisal don't know what to do so he start copying other. As the prayer ends teacher said everyone to sit down.

Teacher: as I see today we have two new students, new students come here and introduce yourself.

Faisal and someone went there and introduce themselves.

Teacher: so as they got new admission their notes are not completed So everyone should help them if I ever got any news that someone is refusing them for help them ready for the punishment and everyone will be friendly with them boys please take your sit's.

They both take their sit's teacher start attendees, after some period gets over now it was time for their math's class.

Student beside Faisal: agya sala petu pakane.

He in wisher voice which was only hear by the who close to him, they control their laugh and nodded.

Teacher: so today we will complete this exercise.....he start teaching.....bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla so now by this formula everyone will do leftover question okay I am gone watch everyone.

Everyone start doing the question some people done with in 2min as it was very easy for them and some people literally cured it very badly in some moments
'dai ma'(lady peon type) comes call him by saying that"someone is here to talk with you" by listening this teacher said.

Teacher: sorry students but I have leave sorry for distribution we will continue it tomorrow and also I will check everyone's answers.

As he left class student in front of faisal shout.

Student: finally gaya sala petu pakau nacho sab.

Everyone start doing talking or doing something, jannat excuse her from seat and went to Faisal's sit see him talking to boy who was beside him she stood their said.

Jannat: hay Faisal look like you already made some friend.

She said having a fake smile on her face and being little jealous, he replied.

Faisal: yes I made, do you have any problem with it.

He said in rudely.

Jannat in her mind: attitude to dekho maharaj ka softly bat bhi nhi kar sakta kya.

Jannat: hmm anyways here are some notes of physics, chemistry, English... etc etc.

She said tossing all the notes on his desk with a thug sound .

Jannat: anyway met him Siddharth and you have already met Hasnain I guess.

Hasnain: sorry bro for that day it was a dare.

Faisal: it's okay.

She tap on the shoulder of Siddharth who was sitting in front of Faisal's sit, but didn't respond as he was ignoring her.

Jannat: oyee piche ghoom le jayad attitude na dikhai yo or else bandi me nhi set karari.

He turn in hurry and introduce himself to him she introduced her some friends to him.



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Siddharth Nigam and Avneet Kaur.
JuSt FrIEndS of the future gang of faisal.
Love each other and everyone ship them but can't confess because of something.


Faisal in mind: why she is being very soft towards me and introducing her friends to me.

(Payar ka khel hai babu bhaiya)😌.

In lunch time:

As bell rings Faisal, Sidharth, Hasnain, jannat, avneet took their lunch box and start walk towards play ground sit under a tree but ya cleaned the place before sitting (sawchata abhiyan) they were about to open there lunch they all hear a voice shouting.

Someone: kine bukad ho mere liye to wait karo.😭

She said and run to them sat beside jannat and open her lunch, everyone knows her expect Faisal he thought she must be any friend of them so he don't ask her "who is she" everyone was eating their lunch or you can eating and sharing their lunch with eachother.

Someone: who's he.

Jannat: ohh sorry I forget he is our new classmate and you know what he live in our society just next to 4house besides your.

Faisal: hello my self Faisal, Faisal Shaikh.

He said giving her his hand.

Someone: my self ...., ..... ..... nice to met you.




Guess who it is.
And early update just because my first reel crossed 1200+ likes and 1700+ views.

Writer shifa.
Bye bye.

Words: 870.

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